A special prayer begging to ask for a grace from Saint Bernadette – February 27, 2020
Begging to ask for a pardon from Saint Bernadette

O Saint Bernadette,
simple and pure girl,
which you have contemplated eighteen times in Lourdes
the beauty of the Immaculate Conception
and you prayed with her
and then you wanted to hide in the cloister of Nevers
and offer yourself to God for sinners,
get me that spirit of purity, simplicity,
of mortification and prayer
that will lead me too
to the vision of God and Mary in Heaven.
Pater, Ave, Gloria

Dear Saint Bernadette, chosen by Almighty God as the channel of his graces and blessings, through your humble obedience to the requests of Our Mother Mary, you have gained for us the miraculous waters of spiritual and physical healing.
We implore you to listen to our pleading prayers so that we can be healed of our spiritual and physical imperfections.
Put our supplications in the hands of our Holy Mother Mary, so that she may place them at the feet of her beloved Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, so that He may look at us with mercy and compassion:
(to expose the grace that is asked).
Pray for us Saint Bernadette, so that, like you, we can always be obedient to the will of our Heavenly Father.