Here is the ‘Four Day Prayer’ to be performed tonight before the apparition of Medjugorje on February 25!

How many of us say thank you Lord for the gift of Mary? And for those like us who believe in the apparitions of Medjugorje, how many times do we say; thank you for the heavenly messages that are given to us? In this regard the desire to thank, to praise and at the same time to invoke the Holy Trinity for this ineffable gift springs from the heart. Those like me who want to do so can recite this prayer by Annalisa Colzi .. A prayer born of the heart!
Here are the prayers to be recited four days before the apparition of Medjugorje:
First day
I give you Thanks or Father for the gift of Mary. Thank you Father because through the Holy Virgin, you make us understand that you do not abandon any child, but that you want to save him and for this through the messages of the Queen of Peace show us the path, lead us on the path of your will. (Glory to the Father).
Second day
I thank you Jesus because not only at the foot of the cross you made us children of Mary, but even today, through Mary you speak to us. You through the maternal and Immaculate love of Mary, give us Hope, transmit us the trust, the confidence that every soul must have in you. You or Jesus, through the Queen of Peace, show us your mercy. (Glory to the Father).
Third day
I thank you the Spirit of Love, the Sanctifying Spirit for the gift you give us in the land of Medjugorje. You give us your Bride Mary, and through Her you penetrate us until you reach the bottom of the heart. You flood the soul with your divine power.You through those blessed words of Mary, the Full of Grace, touch us, shake us, embrace us, show us how much you love us. (Glory to the Father).
Fourth day
I thank you or
– O Queen of Peace, you in the moment of the apparition, call us “Dear children” and conclude by saying “thank you”. Mother very sweet, we are to say thank you. Thank you for your presence in this blessed land. Thank you for
When to recite them?
These four days before recitation before the 25th of each month, and before the extraordinary appearance of the 2nd of each month. The dates to be recited are: every 21, 22, 23, 24 of the month, before the day of the monthly appearance of the 25th of each month, and every 29, 30, 31, 1, if the month ends 31. In the case instead in February, then we will start on the 26th. If instead the month ends on the 30th, then I start to recite the first day on the 28th, 29th, 30th. It would be nice to accompany these 4 days with the Holy Mass and the communion offered according to the intentions of Mary.