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Coronavirus update: Over 4,000 victims in Italy, 627 in one day. 4,032 have died, with an increase compared to Wednesday of 627. It is the biggest increase since the beginning of the emergency. The data was made known by the Civil Protection. 5,129 people were healed in Italy after contracting the coronavirus, 689 more than yesterday.
While Fontana and the commissioner Gallera consider the closure of supermarkets and hypermarkets in shopping centers to be excessive, because they would create panic among citizens, Zaia considers the necessary “squeeze” even if painful, and announces: hyper closed in shopping centers on Sunday. Meanwhile, the head of civil protection, Angelo Borrelli says : “The peak of the infections will arrive in 2 weeks”
Papaboys 3.0 is a popular Italian news site that is dedicated to covering news events concerning the Pope . Papaboys. 3.0 also covers Medjugorje very closely.
Translated from Italian by Google translate

“Is this the time of the first and great sign expected in Medjugorje?”
“The earth has never seen anything like this. It will appear suddenly, as if from nowhere, or directly from the sky itself. It will come in such a way that people will have no time to describe it.
It will appear on the ground, it can be seen and photographed, but it cannot be touched. Already today a webcam is constantly picking up where it will appear. But first of all it will make many more people believe. According to the visionaries, one day a permanent sign will appear on the site of the first apparition. Beautiful and indestructible, the sign will lead to many conversions.
According to Marija, there will also be healings. “Of course, it will be clear to everyone that it is not a built and assembled thing. No one will be able to say that he was brought and placed at that particular point by, say, someone from Medjugorje, “Mirjana told Catholic author-journalist Michael H. Brown in 2002. Medjugorje: A Huge Grace and Possibility of Belief The Permanent Sign is the third secret known to the visionaries of Medjugorje. It is the only secret of which all the visionaries are known to know it.
At least four of them also know when the sign will appear. Since the first two secrets have come true and belong to the past at the time of the third secret, the sign will be perceived and experienced by people in the light of the first two secrets, or at least in light of the first of which Mirjana said that “it will shake people “And” will make people look at themselves in a new light. ”
The Permanent Sign is destined to change more hearts because it will have been preceded by the first two secrets. And, according to the visionaries, changing hearts is all that the sign will concern. Most of all, they say, the sign will be given to those who do not believe: “The third secret concerns the sign that Our Lady will leave here, on the mountain of apparitions.

This sign will remain forever. It will be given above all for those people who are still far from God. Our Lady wants to give these people who will see the sign another chance to believe in God, “Vicka told Radio Maria in January 2008.
A previous interview with Mirjana supports Vicka’s statements. “They will perceive the sign as a place where they can convert.
They will go to the mountain to pray and be forgiven, “Mirjana prophesied in 1983. “When the permanent sign comes, people will come here from all over the world in even greater numbers.
Many others will believe, ”said Jakov. A Test for Hearts However, according to the visionaries, there will also be people who will see the sign and still will not believe it, or who will not receive the impulse to convert that many other people will receive seeing it: “I want to say to those people who will see and will not believe, that Our Lady leaves everyone free to believe or not, but these are those whose hearts are too closed.

It is the same thing that Our Lady told us: If one wants to go to Heaven, he will go to Heaven. If one wants to go to hell, he will go to hell Those who are far from God and do not want to believe will not believe in the sign.
Those who do not know God, but have good intentions and a desire to love, will benefit from the sign. But I think those who do everything against God will run away from the sign. They won’t believe it, ”said Vicka in 2008.
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