Medjugorje Details: Purgatory Explained by Visionaries “Some will be there until the end of time.”
Medjugorje . Purgatory seen by the visionaries Vicka and Jakov.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church regarding purgatory is very clear: “Those who die in the grace and friendship of God, but are imperfectly purified, though they are certain of their eternal salvation, are however subjected, after their death, to a purification, in order to obtain the sanctity necessary to enter the joy of heaven.[…] The Church calls this final purification of the elect purgatory, which is quite another thing from the punishment of the damned. “
Many saints have had visions of Purgatory, as well as of hell and Paradise.
According to Santa Francesca Romana , Purgatory, the “Kingdom of Sorrows” is divided into two great regions: the upper one where the souls suffering from harm are found, those who can not see God, and less serious penalties for non-serious guilt orders; here Purgatory consists in an infinite nostalgia for God and his beatific vision.
Santa Maria Maddalena gives Pazzi states that: “The pains of Purgatory are great, atrocious, impossible to express themselves with human words. All the pains suffered by martyrs, in comparison, are like a pleasant garden. “

St. Catherine of Genoa says: “The love of God that overflows into the soul gives her an inexpressible joy, but to the souls who are in Purgatory, this happiness does not take away even a spark of suffering. In fact, the love they feel but which is held back is their sorrow, the greater the perfection of that feeling with which God has enabled them. “Consequently the souls in Purgatory feel a great joy and a great suffering, without that one excludes the other.
Sister Lucia di Fatima during an apparition, she asked the Madonna if one of their mothers, who died recently, was already in Paradise, Mary replied: “She will remain in Purgatory until the end of the world. Do you want to offer yourselves to God, to endure all the sufferings that he will send you, as an act of reparation for the sins with which he is offended and a supplication for the conversion of sinners? “
Also in Medjugorje, two visionaries, Vicka and Jokov, had a vision of purgatory. In the dialogue with Padre Livio, they tell it like this:

Vicka’s journey
Vicka: Purgatory is also a great space. In Purgatory, however, you do not see people, but only you see a great fog and you feel …
Father Livio: What do you feel?
Vicka: It feels like people are suffering. You know, you hear noises …
Father Livio: I have just published my book: “Because I believe in Medjugorje”, where I write that in Purgatory they would feel like crying, shouting, blows … Is this correct? I also struggled to find the right words in Italian to give a sense of what you say in Croatian to the pilgrims.
Vicka: You can not say that you hear blows or even feel cries. There are no people seen there. It is not like Heaven.
Father Livio: What do you feel then?
Vicka: It feels like they are suffering. It is a suffering of a different kind. You hear voices and even noises, like one beating …
Father Livio: Are they beat each other?
Vicka: It feels like that, but I could not see. It is difficult, Father Livio, to explain something that you do not see. One thing is feeling and another is seeing. In Heaven you see that they walk, they sing, they pray, and so you can report it accurately. In Purgatory only a great fog can be seen. The people who are there wait for our prayers to be able to go to Heaven as soon as possible.
Father Livio: Who said that they await our prayers?
Vicka: Our Lady said that the people in Purgatory are waiting for our prayers to be able to go to Heaven as soon as possible.
Father Livio: Listen, Vicka: the light of Paradise we could interpret it as the divine presence in which the people who are in that place of bliss are immersed. The fog of Purgatory, however, what does it indicate, in your opinion?
Vicka: For me, fog is definitely a sign of hope. They are suffering, but they have the certain hope that they will go to Heaven.
Father Livio: It strikes me that Our Lady insists on our prayers for the souls in Purgatory.
Vicka: Yes, Our Lady says that they need our prayers to go to Heaven first.
Father Livio: Then our prayers can shorten the Purgatory.
Vicka: If we pray more, they go first to Heaven.

Jacov’s journey
JAKOV: Then we found ourselves in a space full of fog. I can not say anything else to describe it except by saying it was a kind of fog. Inside we saw only movements, but people, people, we did not see them. Our Lady told us that we must pray so much for the souls in Purgatory, because they really need our prayers.
FATHER LIVIO: Feel a little: but out of Paradise has that joy disappeared too?
JAKOV: Yes, but it did not disappear completely. But when you enter Purgatory you do not hear what you heard before.
FATHER LIVIO: No? What do you hear?
JAKOV: It feels … When you see these movements inside the fog, you immediately think that they are the souls of the people and you also feel annoyance. Feel annoyance, but also pain for them.
FATHER LIVIO: Do you even feel sorry for them?
JAKOV: You feel sorry for them because they ended up there and because you were in that immense joy and peace for a moment and you saw people who were really happy. Then you see these suffering souls and immediately feel sorry for them.
FATHER LIVIO: Of course, and so we have to pray for them.
JAKOV: Our Lady has recommended so much to pray for the souls in Purgatory, because they need our prayers.
PADRE LIVIO: In this way Purgatory is shortened?
JAKOV: Yes. Today many times we affirm, and I too often heard it, that one of our dear, who died, has definitely gone to Heaven. Only God knows where our dead are.
PADRE LIVIO: In your opinion, then, how can we help them? JAKOV: We can pray for our dead. Offer holy Masses for them.
PADRE LIVIO: Very right …
JAKOV: That’s why Our Lady addresses us.
I adore you, or Holy Cross, that you were adorned with the Most Sacred Body of my Lord, covered and dyed with his Precious Blood. I adore you, my God, placed on a cross for me. I adore you, O Holy Cross, for the love of Him who is my Lord. Amen.
(Recited 33 times on Good Friday, free 33 Souls of Purgatory. Recited 50 times every Friday, it frees 5. It was confirmed by the Popes Adrian VI, Gregory XIII and Paul VI).
You will be burning untill the end of time, you brood of vipers, liers, idolaters, sons and daughters of the devil…hipocrits!!!