Medjugorje: Fr.Don Renzo Lavatori comments on Our Lady’s most recent message “The world is at war because hearts are full of hatred and jealousy” …But there is hope in Jesus ..How to live Christmas
From Cristiano Sabatini -11/29/2019
DRL – The Virgin says it very clearly without losing herself in vain words: ” The world is at war because hearts are full of hatred and jealousy” . The reason lies in our heart, full of selfishness and wickedness, a heart that hurls against its brother and sister, sometimes with a murderous aggression. From here wars are unleashed at the national level and between nations. In fact, everyone suffers but no one has the courage and the ability to overcome such widespread hostility and give peace. Dialogues and international, world and community meetings are not enough, up to associations of groups with social, charitable and spiritual commitment.
In the last message from Medjugorje, Mary invites us to reflect on the time of Advent. Let’s do it by immersing ourselves in the text led by Don Renzo Lavatori.

The importance of prayer is the theme that is increasingly at the heart of the Madonna in her messages from Medjugorje to the visionary Marija.
Don Renzo Lavatori comments on the last message from Medjugorje on November 25, 2019 for the Light of Mary
LdM – Don Renzo in the last message from Medjugorje Our Lady begins with a clear reference. How to read these words of the Virgin?
DRL – The message contains four key words, coupled two by two: the prayer window open to the sky; peace, gift of God to humanity; the birth of Jesus, the only true event of love, joy and peace; on the other hand the war in the world, a shocking and frightening reality.
From Medjugorje suggestions on how to live Christmas
LdM – Can we say that the message is a true and suggestion that Mary gives on how to prepare for Christmas?
DRL – Certainly. The message is an invitation from Mary to prepare ourselves to live with faith and love, as true Christians, the Christmas of Jesus, the eternal Word of God made man and inserted in human history. An event of the highest vital value for the creatures of this earth, submerged by sin and the darkness of evil.
LdM – Where do we start from?
DRL – As usual, she starts the prayer: “This time is for you the time of prayer” . The Virgin is concretely situated in the events that take place on earth and now she focuses on the particular time we are living, that is Advent, the living and confident expectation of the coming of Christ. Even today, Jesus enters among us and shakes us to be ready to welcome him with all our affection and gratitude. For this reason we must open our hearts to make him willing to live the Christmas of Jesus in a holy and Christian way.
The beginning is always in the Prayer
LdM – So you always start with prayer?
DRL – Yes, prayer is the best and most appropriate way to do this preparation for Christmas, as, as we know, prayer is a valid and effective opening to the divine world, to be sprayed, enlightened, purified by the grace of Lord. That Lord is coming down between us to share our earthly existence. He comes properly to show us the right way to go and together he offers us his hand and his love to support us and lead us towards Him.
LdM – How does Jesus show us our way?

DRL – In and with prayer. Thus we are allowed to open a gap so that the incarnate Word can act in us and transform us into new creatures, filled with his powerful and regenerating grace. We have the challenging and wonderful task of intensifying personal and community prayer in this precious time of waiting. Let us not miss this propitious opportunity to grow in spiritual life and strengthen our faith.
From the message of Medjugorje the true meaning of Christmas
LdM – How to find the true meaning of Christmas?
DRL – We live in a world totally immersed in materialism that manifests itself impetuously in this time of Advent and projects us towards a Christmas lived only at the level of gifts, exchange of gifts and luxurious edible celebrations. Poor Jesus! It is completely marginalized and forgotten. From here comes the maternal invitation of Mary who opens our eyes and especially the souls to live and carry out the true Christmas which consists in welcoming the Word of God who becomes man to make us participants in his divine being.
True Peace
LdM – At this point the message speaks of peace. What peace?
DRL – True peace, the one we hope for and hopefully and that cannot come from earthly and material goods, but only from heaven, from the throne of the supreme Good which is God. The Virgin says it: “Without God you do not have peace ” .
LdM – What does the Gospa from Medjugorje want to emphasize?
DRL – Very clearly you stress that by depriving ourselves of God we cannot think, nor realize, nor spread peace. In fact, peace comes primarily and supremely from God, whose being is composed of peace as the perfect communion of love, of truth between the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The three Persons distinct but totally united in order to form a single nature, a single divine being. There is no greater and more perfect union than this.

LdM – Can there be a peace that has no foundation in the Trinity?
DRL – No, there cannot be a deep and lasting peace between men without the action and grace of the Holy Trinity. The human creature, marked by sin, remains a prisoner of egoism, of envy, of conflict within his soul and outside in relations with other human beings. It is easy to see how war is born first of all within us, when we do not hesitate to suffer attacks of unrest, dissatisfaction and malaise at all levels. On the other hand, this state of discontent is necessarily reflected in the relationship with others both in the family and in society.
LdM – What does this bring?
DRL – This causes the fratricidal and destructive wars of every sincere good relationship. Therefore only in God and from God and with God can we realize the desire for stable and intense peace. Human efforts alone fall on deaf ears and break with everyday difficulties. The grace of God supports us and allows us to create and spread peace and serenity of heart and fraternal coexistence.
LdM – For this reason does the Virgin ask us to pray?
DRL – Exactly, so much so that for this purpose the Virgin continues: “Therefore, little children, pray for peace in your hearts and in your families, so that Jesus may be born in you and give you his love and his blessing” . If we want to reach the feast of Christmas, we must pray and welcome the drive for harmony and communion with ourselves and with others. Then the authentic Christmas comes true, in which Jesus is not only deposed in the manger by the Virgin Mary, but born within us to give us his infinite love. In our heart the Virgin lays and gives us her divine Son. This constitutes the true meaning of Christmas.

LdM – In the face of the peace that the Lord offers us, we note with bitterness the reality of wars and conflicts that afflict the world, society, families, religious communities. What is the reason for this contrast?
DRL – The Virgin says it very clearly without losing herself in vain words: ” The world is at war because hearts are full of hatred and jealousy” . The reason lies in our heart, full of selfishness and wickedness, a heart that hurls against its brother and sister, sometimes with a murderous aggression. From here wars are unleashed at the national level and between nations. In fact, everyone suffers but no one has the courage and the ability to overcome such widespread hostility and give peace. Dialogues and international, world and community meetings are not enough, up to associations of groups with social, charitable and spiritual commitment.
LdM – What does all this depend on?
DRL – All these initiatives often fall into the void, they break with the adverse powers and men continue to fight and hurt each other. The Virgin warns us that everything depends on the fact that the birth of Jesus becomes an abstract and uninteresting event, foreign to our concrete life, while it constitutes the only lifeline and the only source of loving communion: “Children, anxiety is seen in the eyes because you have not allowed Jesus to be born in your life ” .

Santa cannot replace Jesus
LdM – In effect, how can it be permissible for Santa Claus to replace Jesus, the Redeemer?
DRL – This desecration is a total defeat to rediscover the true peace of hearts and nations. We ourselves have the responsibility of not having welcomed, loved and embraced Jesus with all our being and how it was convenient to do towards him. How many times, even in our Eucharistic communions we have been cold, distracted and indifferent with Jesus who came inside us and we have neglected, forgotten and abandoned him. Forgive us, Holy Jesus!
LdM – In conclusion of the last message from Medjugorje, what does Mary urge us to do so that all this can change?
DRL – The Virgin says that we must fervently seek it, pray to it with faith and worship it with great love and respect, because He is true God our Savior.“Look for him, pray and he will give himself to you in the Child who is joy and peace” . Our eyes cannot recognize it and are not illuminated by its shining light. We are like blind and blindfolded. Yet He, that Child whom we will see being born at Christmas, is our true peace and joy. How silly we are in our Christian life!
LdM – So let’s pick up the invitation of Mary who continues to console us by giving us hope with her last words: ” I am with you and I pray with you”. Let us all join in prayer with these words of Don Renzo.

Prayer of entrustment to Mary of Don Renzo Lavatori
O Virgin Mary, have mercy on us! Give us a little of your love, of your faith and availability towards your blessed and holy Son. In view of the coming Christmas, I promise you to shake my heart so that it is open to let yourself be flooded by the love of God who comes to earth to love us, renew us and make us your children.
You repeat it to us: “I am with you and I pray for you”. Thank you for your maternal care that comforts and awakens us. But it is not enough to hastily read your messages, we need to meditate carefully, let them fall into the soul, so that they become light for my mind and for my Christian growth. To you, dear Mama, our filial trust! Amen .
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