Medjugorje: Peace and serenity in today’s tormented world. In Special message, Our Lady Reveals.
Don Renzo Lavatori comments, for La Luce di Maria, a message whose contents may escape a superficial reading. Deep words, to be understood and meditated in the depths of our hearts.
Words that want to guide us to salvation for us and for others. Let’s re-read the message of last April 2nd and then listen to what Don Renzo Lavatori has to say.
Medjugorje: Message of April 2, 2019
“Dear children, as a mother who knows her children, I know that you long for my Son, I know that you yearn for the truth, for love and for what is pure and not deceptive.Therefore, as a mother, through the love of God, I turn to you and ask you to pray with a pure and open heart so that you yourselves may know my Son, his love and his merciful heart. My Son saw beauty in all things.
He seeks good in every soul, even that which is most hidden, in order to forgive evil.Therefore, my children, apostles of my love, I invite you to adore Him, to thank Him unceasingly and to be worthy, because He told you the words of God, the divine words, the words that are for everyone and forever. Therefore, my children, live with joy, with serenity, in union and mutual love. This is what the world needs today and so you will be apostles of my love, so you can witness my Son in the right way. Thank you”.

Don Renzo Lavatori comments on the last message from Medjugorje on 2 April 2019 for the Light of Mary
LdM – Don Renzo, what does the Madonna communicate to us and what are the essential themes in the last message of April 2 from Medjugorje?
DRL – This message from Medjugorje expresses three essential aspects: first of all there is the affirmation that Mary knows the hearts of children; continues with the invitation to adore and thank his Son; finally it pushes us to live in serenity and in fraternal communion.
Mary knows our heart
DRL – The Virgin exhibits simply and affectionately that she knows her children, like a watchful, sensitive and attentive mother. With her sweet words, which beneficially penetrate our soul, she makes us understand that we are loved by her and that she welcomes us all into her Immaculate Heart: “Dear children, as a Mother who knows her children, I know that you yearn for my Son . I know that you yearn for truth, for peace, for what is pure and is not false ” .
LdM – A very sweet greeting
DRL – These words are a true balm of comfort and encouragement. At the same time, however, the Virgin shows us the way and the right way to go, that of knowing and loving Jesus her Son and putting him at the center of our heart: “For this I, as Mother, through the love of God, turn to you and I call you so that, by praying with a pure and open heart, you will know for yourself my Son, his love, his merciful Heart ” .
LdM – Uncomplicated words if read carefully
DRL – They are expressions of high conceptual and spiritual tenor, as they reveal the soul of her Son, who also possesses a particular sensitivity and love towards us, but we do not always realize it and we know how to appreciate them. For this reason, she wants to lead us to Him, as our only Savior and Redeemer, so that we may discover all His beauty and human and divine riches. This happens above all with living and intense prayer towards him, in order to share his feelings and attitudes.

The importance of prayer
LdM – How can prayer help us to know the love of Jesus?
DRL – Prayer, as we know, allows us to put our soul in harmony with his. Then we will be able to know directly and in-depth the boundless greatness of his love, his mercy and justice. It is, she warns, to tune in to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, to perceive its innermost and wonderful beats. Thus we will be fascinated and dragged by his stupendous person to be and remain attached to him, as a rock and a precise and safe point of reference.
LdM – In the message from Medjugorje, Mary says that Jesus seeks the good even the smallest to forgive. What do you want to encourage us?
DRL – She continues the discussion, pushing us ever more intimately to enter into communion with Jesus. She gives us some shining brushstrokes on the figure of her Son, so that we also love him as she loves him with the same engaging intensity and we make a stupendous representation of it, that remains engraved within our soul and becomes our only source of earthly and eternal salvation: ” My Son saw beauty in all things. He seeks good, even the small and hidden, in all souls, to forgive evil “ .
LdM – How much “divine beauty” is there in these words?
DRL – These are some traits of incomparable charm that attract us and immerse us in the figure of Jesus. They leave us amazed and radiant with the splendor that emanates from his person, so delicate and attentive to every detail even the smallest, but in his light it shines and becomes precious. We welcome these words into our hearts and meditate carefully on them and put them into practice, so that Jesus, with his presence in us, will accompany us every day in our existence to be sustained, protected, healed, forgiven, quickened by his very sweet love.
Jesus transforms evil into good
LdM – How, with his presence, does Jesus transform evil into good?
DRL – He knows how to find in each of us, so miserable and sinful, the most good and deserving elements, so that all the negative in us is removed and we are purified, freed and reinvigorated. Jesus is a divine artist who knows how to transform evil into good, our smallness into its greatness. This urges us to walk every day with him, in his most holy name, to reach him in his kingdom of glory and eternal bliss. From this arises from the maternal Heart of Mary her recommendation: “Therefore, my children, apostles of my love, I invite you to adore him, to thank him continually and be worthy of him” .
LdM – What, according to the Virgin Mary, is the right attitude to take?
DRL – She indicates three attitudes that must dwell in us: one is to “worship” him , as he is our God and Lord; the other is to “thank him” , as he is our Redeemer and Savior, who gave his life for us to death on the cross; finally we must “be worthy of it” , in the sense that we commit ourselves more and more to assimilate ourselves to Him until we become one spirit of truth and love, we in Him and Him in us, as Saint Paul confesses candidly: it is no longer I who live , but Christ lives in me.
LdM – In the message Mary speaks to us from Medjugorje of the universal words that Jesus left us
DRL – Finally, as a luminous conclusion, She opens her eyes to the Son and sees the immense value of his Words, which come from God as truth and absolute love, and are bearers of full life, freedom and infinite good. “Because he told you divine words, the words of God, the words that are for everyone and forever . “ In fact the words of Jesus must be accepted, understood and lived, because they are the beacons of light to which we must conform our life, feelings and concrete actions. No other word can possess its own truth and vitality.
Beware of false words
LdM – How often do we not give credit to the truth to pursue false words?
DRL – Often. Often we listen and go after so many useless, fatuous, lying, illusory words, with the foolishness of believing them truthful, while they drag us towards the nothingness and meanness of our being and work, to the detriment of our own interests and advantages. So be careful not to let ourselves be deceived and bewitched by the rumors that spread around the world and that bring anxiety, confusion and disorder, up to numerous disasters at all social and personal levels. We must remain anchored to his words of life and truth, even if at times it remains tiring and demanding.
LdM – How do you stay anchored to the “True Word”?
DRL – It’s about going against the tide. But there is our only salvation for walking on the right path and directed to the infinite good and eternal beatitude. Mary makes us understand: “Therefore, my children, live joy, serenity, unity and mutual love. This is what you need in today’s world: thus you will be apostles of my love, so you will witness my Son in the right way “ .
LdM – Is this the secret of “living well as a Christian” today?
DRL – Certainly. Only by following his maternal counsels will we be able to live well, that is, serene and trusting, strong and courageous, resistant and vigorous, even though we pass through the stormy and tormented vicissitudes. Our strength and our light is therefore He, the divine Master our Lord, Jesus Christ. To him our total and undeterred adherence, together with him we will be safe.
The prostitution of the Catholic church at it’s best.
You all know that those apparitions never happened and are lies and because your idolatry, surely you will burn in the terrible uncuench fire.