Medjugorje Today March 19, 2021 “Vicka Warns: “The excuses offered by non-believers are not valid….God will not intervene directly, woe to those who wait.”
Video above: Is this what the true face of the Madonna is like?
In the following interview Vicka responds to Fr. Livio during a program on Radio Maria. Through the replies, readers will be able to see in her an authentic witness of this time of grace, not to mention her profound spirituality and her continuous and intimate union with the Lord and Our Lady.
Fr. Livio: Vicka, many people seek you out, including people who don’t believe but would like to. What do you think?
Vicka: We believers should be more aware of how immense the gift of faith is, and feel the need to dedicate time every day to prayer and be good examples for others. The excuses offered by non-believers who think that God should intervene directly are not valid. It takes personal commitment by each person to obtain God’s grace, and God who is Father full of mercy will not fail to answer us.
God is infinite love.We have to do all that we can to obtain His intervention. So, besides praying, we should make an effort to know the revealed Truth and keep away from evil. Unfortunately, Satan is a tireless seducer: he hides evil beneath a good appearance; he tempts people (these days especially the young people and weak families), making them prefer fleeting joys, which lead inexorably to tragic unhappiness, thereby inducing them to renounce the immense joy which God grants straight away to those who resist temptation and live their Christian lives in an orderly and honest manner.
VIcka: “I’ll just say this: whoever does not believe without a sign will not believe with a sign. And, I’ll tell you this too: woe to him who delays his conversion, waiting for the sign. I once told you that many would come, and perhaps, even kneel before the sign, but will, nonetheless, not believe. Be happy that you are not among them! The third secret is about a sign that She will leave here [Medjugorje] on the Mountain of the Apparitions. This sign will remain forever.”
Fr. Livio: How can we live this time of grace?
Vicka: Our Lady has said a number of times that this time of the Jubilee year is a moment of great grace, and that she would like to give us many more messages, but can’t because we have not listened to those She has given us so far. We have lost that initial zeal. That is why she insists that we pray, so that other, more generous, people will correspond. Her hope is that we will decide to listen to her.
Our Lady is very patient. At the end of each message of the 25th, she adds: ‘Thank you for responding to my call.’ and she does this to incite us to correspond with ever more commitment to her requests. We are in the time of the great conversion, and we should take advantage of it. Our Lady also says that many people listen to the messages, but then get tired. She is happier when we take the messages seriously and live them day by day, a little at a time, with constance, rather than live them with great fervour immediately and then forget them.
We should not worry about tomorrow; but care about living God’s will today, for “this moment” is the most important one of our earthly existence.