Medjugorje ‘Until the end’ – The struggle between Our Lady and Satan is a supernatural struggle that involves all believers. The Biblical reality.
Source Papaboys 3.0
The struggle between Our Lady and Satan is a supernatural struggle and supernatural means are needed.
You already know the news. I would rather like to put in your hearts some words and some facts of Medjugorje so that you can live the reality of Medjugorje. If you look at all the messages, one thing is evident: you see the Woman dressed in the sun struggling against Satan.
It is very important to see this, to recognize the Madonna in Medjugorje. Then it is very important to understand why God speaks to us about these things through Our Lady. In my opinion, we must first understand our duty in this opposition that we live now and understand the means by which we can fight against Satan. The message that has most affected my heart in recent months is that of August 8th when Our Lady told us: “Come into struggle against Satan”.
If I look at the messages, in all the messages Our Lady makes an invitation: “Pray to defeat him, to win it”. And at this moment we must remember all the messages Our Lady said from the beginning: “Peace of heart, prayer, fasting, conversion”.

This is the road, the strategy of the Madonna and we must follow it. When it comes to the temptations of satan I also say to you pilgrims: “Be careful not to accept his poison”. satan is confusion, a being who deceives; do not allow confusion in your hearts. Many pilgrims experience confusion with so many internal questions: “some say this, others say … the Church has not pronounced itself … I don’t know how to move …”.
Do not allow this confusion. If you have your questions and doubts, then do what Our Lady did. Our Lady also had doubts when the Angel appeared “Why? How can I conceive without a husband? . But Our Lady asked God questions: “God clear my mind. How can I? . If you have doubts, go to God, so that God will resolve your doubts, so that God may give light and God will give you the light.
Please do not experience confusion, because confusion comes from satan, confusion holds us back, does not allow us to walk, to move forward.
Go on. Many say: the Church has not defined Medjugorje, but it does not matter. We must understand the role of the hierarchy: wait, wait for us to grow, wait for us to become saints, so that one day the Church may say that these are truly saints and that this is truly from God. Wait for our journey, as the mother expects her son’s journey.
And we do not expect the last definition of the Church, so that the Church can confirm. We must grow spiritually. Therefore I say to you: “do not live confusion”; also tell the others who ask you, say the word of God and the word of Our Lady, bring the light. When I tell you not to experience confusion, I tell you to walk on the facts. Never in the history of the Church are apparently described in a scientific manner the apparitions like those in Medjugorje. By now you also have films, you also have a scientific book on what happens at the moment of ecstasy.
It is a fact. Experts say it is a fact, that ecstasy is a fact. Then we are faced with a fact that is not discussed and we only know that fact through the visionaries who say: Our Lady appeared and appeared for the last time to humanity. The important and urgent things came to tell us: peace, conversion, fasting and prayer “. And this content that the visionaries say is a fact that is not discussed, because the only road that leads us to sanctification is prayer, it is fasting is conversion.
It is a fact. Experts say it is a fact, that ecstasy is a fact. Then we are faced with a fact that is not discussed and we only know that fact through the visionaries who say: Our Lady appeared and appeared for the last time to humanity. The important and urgent things came to tell us: peace, conversion, fasting and prayer “. And this content that the visionaries say is a fact that is not discussed, because the only road that leads us to sanctification is prayer, it is fasting is conversion.
And another fact that we must accept: we in Medjugorje have seen other facts – perhaps even you – that confirm the so-called signs in heaven and on earth. We priests have seen other facts: the profound conversion of the people. For example, I cannot forget the day of St. James: I confessed in the evening for three hours, most of them Italians. A quarter of the people had not confessed for decades. They come to seek God. These are facts that are not skipped and not forgotten, but we must accept them.
If you have also seen the faces of the people: the faces of the people speak, they are a fact. The people there don’t think much about the Madonna, but think about what Our Lady gave birth there in Medjugorje: a new life and people have experienced this new life. When you ask people: “Do you believe in apparitions? », He says:« No, I know », because people know it. Not only does he believe, but he knows it because he has experienced a new life.
There is another fact that we must note: only through prayer, fasting and conversion will we arrive at a supernatural understanding of the news, so please follow the messages of Our Lady through a deepening of prayer. I tell you seriously that years of apparitions are a teaching to deepen prayer. It is not the books, but the very simple pushes on the part of the Madonna that pushed us forward and every thrust was for us a ray that told us how to deepen the journey. Pray very individually, pray a lot in your families too.