Medjugorje Visionary is “shocked” by what Our Lady told her on June 15th
Our Lady Will Not Be Appearing to Marija at 6:40 PM
Today’s June 15, 2024, Apparition Shook Marija
Our Lady came tonight at around 6:46 p.m. to Medjugorje visionary, Marija, and the apparition lasted around seven to eight minutes. Afterwards Marija explained what happened in Croatian, Italian and English. Marija said when Our Lady came, Marija recommended all of us, all our needs, everything that we have in our hearts. Our Lady prayed over us and blessed us.

Marija then said that she was sorry for being so emotional, but Our Lady asked for a 9-day novena, starting tomorrow, June 16th. Our Lady asked us to go up Apparition Hill every night at 11:30 p.m. for the next 9 days.
Afterwards, Marija was asked to explain again. Is Our Lady asking us to go up Apparition Hill every night at 11:30 PM. for the next 9 days (starting tomorrow, Sunday). Marija said yes. Marija said that she would not have her normal evening apparition at 6:40 PM during these 9 days, but her apparitions will be at 11:30 PM. on top of Apparition Hill. Marija said that she was shocked when Our Lady said this.
The novena to the Queen of Peace has already started in Medjugorje. Villagers and pilgrims traditionally climb Apparition Mountain early in the morning praying three to four mysteries of the Rosary. Marija participates in this novena every year. She was asked tonight after Our Lady’s announcement, if she would not be going up Apparition Hill in the morning for the novena because of this. Marija said, “I am going up in morning and at night.”
The world is in a Cold War. Some are saying we are going into a Hot War. Our Lady needs this novena. Go to Adoration or just step outside in your backyard to pray a Rosary at 11:30 PM, Medjugorje Time.