Medjugorje Visionary on Why Our Lady Always Begins with “My Dear Children” ….”She does not look at the color of our skin…, there are no rejected ones.”

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Always when our Lady gives a message, her first words are “My dear children” because she is a Mother and she loves all of us. Because we are all important to her, there are no rejected ones. She does not look at the color of our skin. She is a Mother and we are her children. And as a Mother, her desire is that all of her children live in communion with one another. All of these 30 years since our Mother has been with us, she wishes to bring us closer to one another regardless of which confession we belong to. She wishes a unity among her living church.
Dear priests, my dear friends in Christ, at the beginning of this encounter here tonight, I would like to greet all of you from my heart. I am happy and joyful that I am able to be here with you tonight and that I’m able to share with you the good and joyful news which our Mother has been calling us to over these last 30 years. I wish to bring closer to you those messages which our Mother is calling us to, so that you can better understand them and better live them in your lives.
Can there be a more beautiful time, this Lenten time, for us to be gathered here? So that as a living church, we are praying together and so that as a living church, we are spiritually renewed together. I think that every priest and every pastor would love for his parish to be filled this much every Sunday. [Applause]
Because we are that living church, we are those ones of the church. And truly may this evening tonight be the beginning of a spiritual renewal for all of us. When you return to your homes tonight, continue with that spiritual renewal in your families, with your children, among your friends. Be a light. Be a living sign.
Always when our Lady gives a message, her first words are “My dear children” because she is a Mother and she loves all of us. Because we are all important to her, there are no rejected ones. She does not look at the color of our skin. She is a Mother and we are her children. And as a Mother, her desire is that all of her children live in communion with one another. All of these 30 years since our Mother has been with us, she wishes to bring us closer to one another regardless of which confession we belong to. She wishes a unity among her living church.
In the Gospel, Jesus said, “Come to me all of you who are tired with heavy burden and I will give you rest, I will give you strength.” We have come here tonight to the source. Why? Because we are thirsty and hungry. We hunger for God. We hunger for truth. We hunger for love. We hunger for peace. We have come to Him because in Him is our peace, not in the world. The world cannot give us peace, because peace is in Him alone. That is why we must be open to peace. We must be open to that gift of peace for our own good. That is why it is very important that we always encounter Him on a daily basis.
That is why Our Lady is calling us to the Holy Mass. In one message Our Lady says the Holy Mass must be the center of your lives. The center. At one apparition with us, we were kneeling before her, Our Lady said, “My dear children, if tomorrow you needed to choose between coming to me, and having an encounter with me, or to go to the Holy Mass, no, do not come to me, go to the Holy Mass. Because when you go to the Holy Mass, it means you are going to an encounter with Jesus and encountering Him, and speaking with Him, and receiving Him. The Mass must be the center.

2 thoughts on “Medjugorje Visionary on Why Our Lady Always Begins with “My Dear Children” ….”She does not look at the color of our skin…, there are no rejected ones.”

  • “regardless of which confession we belong to.” Do you mean “congregation” and not “confession”?

  • Amen

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