Tomorrow is Mirjana’s Birthday and the Mysterious Apparition of March 18 : “When the secrets begin to unfold the significance of the date will be clear.” *RUSSIA PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION TAKES PLACE MARCH 18* FATIMA – MEDJUGORJE CONNECT
The 2018 Russian presidential election will take place on 18 March 2018 and Mirjana says March 18 is the most important date with respect to the Medjugorje secrets.

In Medjugorje visionary’s new book titled “My Heart Will Triumph” Mirjana talks about the significance of the day “March 18”. She says “Only when the things contained in the secrets start to happen will the world understand why Our Lady chose March 18. The significance of the date will be clear.”
What are we to make of March 18th? Last year there was a great deal of attention to Mirjana’s apparition on March 18 because it took place during the 1OO year anniversary of the Fatima apparitions.
Now, a year later, March 18 again is looming large as a special date. And what is particularly noteworthy is that this year Russia’s presidential election takes place on exactly that date – March 18th – just a few days from now. With USA’s strange obsession with Russia and if we reflect on the fact that Russia was the dominant theme of Fatima it is not a stretch to attach special meaning to this year’s Presidential election in Russia.
The Bishop of Fatima once said “The message of Fatima applies to Russia: Russia and Fatima are one. Then in 1981 the queen of Peace said: “Russia will come to glorify God the most; the West has made modern progress but without God and act as if they are their own creator.” Is Russia what connects Fatima to Medjugorje?
It is also worth noting Mirjana’s special urgency in publishing her book. Mirjana says: “Now is the time to tell the world my story.”
“Now is the time to tell the world my story”? Wow! These are very powerful words – precise words, particularly when you consider she has said in the past that she knows when the secrets are supposed to begin to unfold.
During a Q & A session between Mirjana and a group of English-speaking pilgrims in Medjugorje, and in response to a comment by one of the pilgrims about sharing the same birthday as Mirjana, the visionary responded:
“Great people were born on the 18th of March. But I never have my birthday because that is the day of the apparition. And many people have the wrong opinion about it. They feel that Our Lady comes to me on the 18th of March because it is my birthday. She doesn’t come for sure for that reason because she never said to me Happy Birthday. When everything starts happening, then you will be able to understand why the 18th of March, why every second of the month, why Wednesdays and Fridays are days of fasting, everything will be clear.”
In her new book Mirjana had a few other things to say about the Medjugorje secrets:
Mirjana: “The seventh Secret Troubled Me Greatly”
Mirjana then asked “Is it possible for the secrets to be lessened?
Our Lady: “Pray”
Mirjana: “I can not divulge much about the secrets but I can say this…Our Lady is planning on changing the world. She did not come to announce our destruction; she came to save us and with her Son she will triumph over evil.
If Our Mother has promised to defeat evil, then what do we have to fear? Mirjana
I kind of think it is a stretch to praise Russia when they hold responsibilities to poisoning people in the UK and meddling in US politics.
Back in the 90s there was a visionary living in Conyers, GA who received messages from Jesus and Mary and she warned “DO NOT TRUST RUSSIA, DO NOT TRUST RUSSIA!” And then she told of her visions of seeing the US at war with Russia, China, and Korea. She told of seeing visions of oriental soldiers on American soil. Chilling were her words and hard to ignore the warning when relations with all 3 of these countries seem to be very tense right now. The video of her speaking these warnings are on Youtube.