New discovered rare video – “I am the Lady of Revelation” – The Incredible story of the “Barefoot celestial woman”
In Bruno Cornacchiola, the Blessed Virgin recognized that we all have our moments of doubt and discouragement, and should turn to her for help. The Virgin of the Revelation also favored her prodigal son with foreknowledge of a portion of the future dogma of the Assumption, proclaimed by Pope Pius XII in 1950. She revealed: “My body could not be allowed to decay. My Son came for me with His Angels . . .”
“You persecute me…Enough Of It Now!
Enter into the true fold, God’s Kingdom on Earth.”
“I am the one that is of the Divine Trinity: daughter of the Father, the Mother of the Son, and Spouse and Temple of the Holy Spirit”
Many of our readers may not be familiar with an apparition and shrine of Our Lady in Rome. The below is a beautiful account of Our Lady converting one of Her enemies on April 12, 1947 not far from where St. Paul was beheaded 1900 years ago. The Virgin Mary reminds us that She is intimately connected to the Most Holy Trinity: She is the daughter of the Father, the Mother of the Son and the Spouse of the Holy Spirit.
The Franciscan Conventual Friars Minor were given custody of the Grotto of the Three Fountains in 1956. In 1997 the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, approved the renaming of the place as “Holy Mary of Third Millennium at Three Fountains”.
Background – April 12, 1947
ROME, on the above date, was a sunny Saturday after Easter. Bruno Cornacchiola, a railway worker, decided to take advantage of the beautiful spring day by taking his three children—– Isola, aged ten, Carlo, aged seven, and Gianfranco, aged four—– on a picnic.
It was a day he will never forget as it changed the whole course of his life. Early that afternoon he providentially missed a train going to Ostia and so decided to go to Tre Fontane instead. It is a location just outside of Rome noted for the shrine where St. Paul suffered Martyrdom and a parklike area with eucalyptus trees.
It was also, alas, notorious as a place of sin in which even the bodies of dead preborn babies were found. There, in the shade of the eucalyptus, while his children played, Bruno pored over his Bible.
He was preparing a speech which he intended to deliver in a public square the following day. It was a vicious attack on the Church’s teaching on the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Besides being a wife-beater, Bruno Cornacchiola was not a very good Christian. His language was punctuated frequently with obscenities, blasphemy and he had affairs with other women.
The very morning of the picnic he passed a statue of Our Lady which had on the base of the statue, “Virgin Mother.” Bruno wrote in pencil, “You are neither virgin nor mother.” In his great hatred of the Church, he had even devised a plot to assassinate Pope Pius XII on September 8, 1947, the feast of the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the late afternoon of the 12th, in the middle of his preparation for his attack on Mary’s great prerogative, one of his children interrupted him.
Would he help them find their ball? Bruno put aside his Scripture text and the notes he had taken and joined in the search. While searching for the ball, Bruno found his youngest son, Gianfranco, kneeling at the entrance to a dark cave.
The boy’s hands were folded in the attitude of one engrossed in prayer, as though in ecstasy. With a happy countenance and his eyes fixed on a certain point of the cave, the child repeated, “Beautiful lady! Beautiful lady!” as though he were addressing a living person.
Bruno was surprised, then uneasy, and finally terror seized him. He could see nothing in the interior of the cave. What was he to make of his son’s strange behavior?
Excitedly he turned to Isola and Carlo for an explanation. But the children’s curiosity and fear for their younger brother were brief. Within seconds they also—–first Isola and then Carlo—–fell to their knees and joined their hands in prayer, enraptured with the same vision. Bruno was dumbfounded.
Then he heard all three of his children cry out together: “Beautiful lady!” He tried to move each child, but they were as if glued to the ground. He was terrified. Suddenly, Bruno was also overcome by the strange mystical experience.
His eyes were filled with intense light for a moment, then everything in front of him disappeared his children and the cave. He felt himself becoming weightless, ethereal, as if his spirit had been freed of his body. When he regained his sight, after momentary blindness, Bruno saw in the most illuminated part of the cave a woman of indescribable celestial beauty. Her head was adorned by a halo of brilliant golden light.
The lady had black hair, and was clothed in a radiant white dress, gathered together by a rose-colored sash whose edges fell gracefully at her side; over her shoulders she wore a striking green mantle. The three colors of the dress (white), sash (rose-colored) and mantel (green) have special significance to Bruno.
He explains that they signify Mary’s relationship to the Three Divine Persons and the three apparitions of Lourdes, Fatima and Rome. In fact, Our Lady identified herself as, “Daughter of the Father, the Mother of the Son, and Spouse and Temple of the Holy Spirit.” At her bare feet lay a black cloth which had a smashed crucifix on it.
Her face had an expression of motherly kindness, although clouded by sadness at times. In her right hand she held, resting on her breast, a small gray book. Her hands were crossed at her breast, but she unfolded them once to point to the broken pieces of the crucifix.
She then joined them together again. In a noteworthy departure from other modern apparitions, Mary appeared not only to a non-practicing Catholic but to a zealous enemy of the Church and of herself personally. What message did she have for the wayward Bruno Cornacchiola and our times? We know only part of it; the remainder was to be delivered to Pope Pius XII, who later was to bless the statue of the Virgin that stands in the grotto where she appeared.

I am the one that is of the Divine Trinity: daughter of the Father, the Mother of the Son, and Spouse and Temple of the Holy Spirit