The Seven Secrets of Purgatory

For centuries, the concept of purgatory has captivated and intrigued Catholics, offering a glimpse into the transformative process between earthly life and eternal union with God. While often shrouded in mystery, purgatory, at its core, reveals a profound truth about God’s boundless love and mercy.

Understanding Purgatory:

The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines purgatory as “a state of temporary suffering after death in which those who died in God’s grace and friendship undergo purification, so as to be ready to enter into the joy of heaven.” It’s not a place of punishment, but rather a process of cleansing and refinement, where the final vestiges of sin and attachment to earthly things are burned away, preparing the soul for the perfect holiness required to enter heaven.

Scriptural Glimpses:

While not explicitly mentioned by name in the Bible, several scriptural passages hint at the concept of purgatory. For instance, 2 Maccabees 12:41-45 describes prayers and sacrifices offered for the deceased, suggesting a state of purification beyond earthly life. Similarly, 1 Corinthians 3:15 speaks of some being saved “as through fire,” implying a process of cleansing that precedes the fullness of heaven.

The Refining Fire:

Purgatory is often metaphorically depicted as a fire, not of torment, but of purification. It’s a fire of God’s love, burning away imperfections and transforming the soul into a perfect reflection of His divine light. This imagery reminds us that God desires our complete holiness and welcomes us into heaven only when we are fully prepared to experience His uncreated glory.

Hope and Intercession:

The doctrine of purgatory offers immense hope and consolation to Catholics. It assures us that God’s love extends beyond earthly life, providing a chance for continued purification and growth even after death. Moreover, it encourages us to pray for the deceased, offering spiritual support and hastening their journey towards heavenly bliss. Prayers, Masses, and acts of penance offered for the souls in purgatory are not in vain, but tangible expressions of our love and communion with those who have gone before us.

A Journey of Transformation:

Ultimately, purgatory is not a destination to be feared, but a stage on the path towards eternal joy. It’s a testament to God’s infinite love and His desire for our complete and unending happiness. By embracing the mystery of purgatory, we can live with greater hope and purpose, knowing that God’s love and mercy extend beyond the confines of this earthly life, and that He patiently awaits to welcome us into the eternal embrace of His perfect Kingdom.


  • Purgatory is not a place of punishment, but a process of purification and refinement.
  • Scripture offers glimpses of the concept, though not explicitly mentioned by name.
  • The “fire” of purgatory is a metaphor for God’s love burning away imperfections.
  • Purgatory offers hope and consolation, assuring us of God’s love beyond death.
  • Prayers and acts of penance for the deceased can hasten their journey to heaven.

May the mystery of purgatory deepen your understanding of God’s boundless love and inspire you to live with greater hope and purpose, knowing that He awaits you with open arms in the eternal Kingdom of heaven.

According to Maria the holy souls have revealed to her the following:

  1. -That priests and nuns should always wear their habits/clerics, as much as possible.
  2.  -That Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers should be used very rarely, that is, only when it is absolutely necessary; that priests and deacons should make every effort to distribute Communion to the faithful, even though it takes longer to do so.
  3.  – That receiving Holy Communion in the hand should be avoided as much as possible.
  4. -That holding hands during the Lords prayer and that the sign of peace after the Eucharistic prayer should be avoided in as much as it is possible, since both of these are a distraction from Jesus who is present upon the altar and that we should be concentrating upon Jesus alone during this important time of the Mass.
  5. -That dogs are the most hated animals by the devil and the demons because they are the closest and most helpful animal to mankind.
  6. -That outside of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph is one of the greatest Saints who advocates for the souls in Purgatory.  The Angels, especially St Michael the archangel, and also the poor souls own guardian angel are also very powerful in helping to obtain mercy and pleading their cause before God. Also very important is any Saint that the person might have had a devotion to during one’s lifetime.  Maria also pointed out that the Patron Saint of the poor souls in purgatory is St Nicholas of Tolentino
  7. -The holy souls have also revealed to Maria that it is on Christmas day that the most souls are released from purgatory and then also Good Friday, Ascension day, All Souls day and the feast of the Assumption.

Some important things that the holy souls have taught her over the years:

The holy souls have repeatedly told her that the greatest help for them that they can obtain from those here on earth is the offering of holy Mass. Next to the Mass, the holy Rosary and the Stations of the Cross are very beneficial to them.  Any sacrifice we make–even the smallest ones– offered specifically for them have a great value in the eyes of God, and greatly lessen their sufferings and time in purgatory.  The poor souls have told her that even the smallest prayer or sacrifice is like giving a cool glass of water to a parched sojourner travelling in the driest desert.

They normally appear to her in their normal clothes, that is, the ones that they most often wore during their lifetime, and they often have the appearance of one earnestly begging and desiring help.  Sometimes they appear somewhat distraught but this presumably is to elicit compassion on the part of Maria.  They normally appear to her looking as they did in the prime of their life, however children and teenagers always appear as they did right before their deaths.  And while there are indeed some children in purgatory, their Purgatory is normally not very long or painful, since during their lifetimes they often could not have committed any grave sin since they did not attain much understanding or discernment, and are therefore not accountable to the extent that an adult is.

The holy souls have also told her that there are many, many degrees in purgatory, and that the lower parts of purgatory are the most difficult and the most purifying, and this is where those with grave (severe) sins go–that is,  grave sins that have not been forgiven in the sacrament of Confession. As each soul makes reparation for his/her sins that they have committed against God and there fellow man, they are slowly purified and therefore they slowly make progress to the higher levels of purgatory. The souls that appear to Maria are almost always souls that are residing in the higher levels of purgatory.  Essentially, the more repentant and sorrowful one is for the sins committed against God and neighbor during ones lifetime, the quicker one progresses from the lower to the higher degrees of purgatory.

The greatest complaint from the souls in Purgatory- Abandonment by their loved ones According to Maria, the greatest “complaint” of the souls in Purgatory is how they are almost completely forgotton by their family and loved ones–that rightly complain that they receive no spiritual help from those they themselves helped so much during life! How few prayers are ever offered up for them–even at their funerals! Yet prayer is precisely what they need the most! All the beautiful memorials, celebrations, tattoo’s etc done and given in their honor, while they may be good intentioned, in reality do nothing for them and in no way help to relieve them of their suffering/purification.