The Vicka we seen on earth today is certain to be the same Vicka who will be in Heaven. Everybody can see that except for lost souls who want to stay in the back side of the moon with their minds.

Vicka is a heavenly creature like no other alive today.
Q: What does Medjugorje mean in the world today?
Vicka: Medjugorje means a lot, for sure. I mean not Medjugorje as a place, but Medjugorje as a message certainly means a lot. It is really something that one cannot imagine; I mean that Our Lady’s message has spread all over the earth to its farthest corner. Judging by the messages I receive, by the letters from all over the world, people are delighted. This has become an oasis of peace; nowhere can a man find such a peace as here under Our Lady’s shelter, in her presence, covered with her mantle.
That’s why it is so. But Medjugorje is great by Our Lady’s message and because Our Lady is still here, because her presence is still on a daily basis. Lourdes, Fatima and other places are pilgrim places, it’s wonderful to be in them but one has a different feeling in a place where Our Lady is “alive”. That’s why people feel that Medjugorje is great, because Heaven is still on Earth here, and because Our Lady is present every day.
One cannot compare this to anything; one cannot express in words what Medjugorje means. For all people who come, Medjugorje is holy ground.
From interview with Visionary Vicka Ivanković
Excerpts taken from book: Krešimir Šego, “Time of Grace”, published by Ziral in Mostar,
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It has really gotten bad when people are told that unless they believe a Medjugorje nut bar is a heavenly creature like no other alive today they are lost souls on the dark side of the moon. This type of thing is typical of a false cult like Jonestown, but not an authentic true apparition.