“The Warning” – “The Illumination of Conscience”—is a critical moment in human history when every person alive will see their soul in the light of divine truth. “We are entering a period of profound change and spiritual conflict.” – Bishop Gavin Ashenden
“I, personally, devoured this wonderful book, which unveils the mystery and power of God’s purpose for the Church today. We are entering a period of profound change, challenge, and spiritual conflict – a struggle of life and death. I strongly encourage you to read it.” — Bishop Gavin Ashenden
The prophecies of the Warning, as outlined and illustrated in this book, have come to us through saints and mystics, including St. Pope Pius IX, St. Pope Paul VI, St. Faustina Kowalska, Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, and Servant of God, Maria Esperanza. Some of these spiritual luminaries are still alive, such as exorcist, mystic, and Superior General, Fr. Michel Rodrigue; stigmatist and mystic, Janie Garza; and founder of the Dynamic Catholic Institute, Matthew Kelly.
Not only does THE WARNING substantiate an event of monumental importance, which appears to be on the horizon of time, but also carries the reader through compelling testimonies of those who have already experienced it personally and against their will. The book culminates in the spell-binding story of Marino Restrepo, hailed as a St. Paul for our century. Formerly a well-to-do Hollywood music producer who sank into serious sin and the New Age movement, he endured a torturous kidnapping by Colombian guerilla rebels for over half a year, during which he experienced an illumination of conscience. In addition, he received a unique gift of infused knowledge of divine matters, which he has been sharing with the world since 1999 in his world-wide, bishop-approved apostolate. And his is only one of the stories.


“Christine Watkins has given the most thorough understanding of The Warning that I have ever read. All of the stories are potentially life changing for those who read them. Many believe we will experience this Warning, or Illumination of Conscience, in our lifetime. To prepare yourself, this informative and inspirational book will be a great help. It is hard to put down. I highly recommend it.”

BISHOP GAVIN ASHENDEN: “Every so often a book falls into one’s hands that is particularly powerful in unveiling the mystery and power of God’s purpose for his Church today, and this is one such. If you are wondering whether or not you should take the time to read it, let me strongly encourage you to do so.”

“Christine Watkins has done a tremendous work in gathering the voices in the Church who have woven this thread of light and warning that may befall the world sooner than we think. The Warning is an invaluable and timely manual on understanding what is coming and how to prepare.”

“The reality of a potential upcoming “warning,” or God-given, global examination of conscience, is substantially confirmed within the Church’s mystical tradition, as well as through numerous contemporary prophetic voices within the Church. Christine Watkins’ The Warning should be widely read and discerned seriously with an open mind.”