4 thoughts on “Catholic Prophecy Not to Be Ignored. … Russia’s Mysterious Connection to Medjugorje and Fatima…The Story of Our Times

  • Russia and the return of Communism were given a central role in the prophesies of Garabandal many years before Medjugorje. As if to confirm Garabandal the wording in Akita closely resembled that of Garabandal. Benedict XVI said that Akita was the third secret. There may be a connection between Fatima and Medjugorje but the specific connection between Fatima and Garabandal was already there. Our Lady specifically told Conchita that many false apparitions would follow Garabandal whose purpose would be to distract from the messages and witness of Garabandal. I do not wish to enter into controversy on this. It will all become clear soon enough.

  • Tomorrow our church in Sturgeon Bay, WI will hosthost the statue of Our Lady of Fatima in its national tour.. Good material for prayer. Thanks.

  • I would like to point out to all that read Mystic Post to an earlier comments made on Jan 28 th of this year by a gentleman named Stewart Davies on the subject of Russia and Our Lady. To me he nailed it. There will be a resurgence of faith all over the world because our Lord and Our Lady the United hearts will win this battle. This forum may want to attribute the Moral high ground to Vladimir Putin. But I would agree with Stewart Davies Comments on Jan 28th of this year” Vladimir Putin is the most dangerous man in the world”

  • What is the date of the message which speaks about Russia … the article says 6 months after the assasination attempt, so that would be November 81 .. I cant find it ? Can you give the precise date so i can look up the entire message ? Thanks

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