Our Lady to Luz de Maria
Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Owner of Time, “it is the same as yesterday, today, and forever” and with His infinite Wisdom he clarifies:
My Mother is the “Queen and Mother of the Last Times” and these are the last times, not the end of the world. Do not fear that My Mother is with you and guards you.

Our Mother confirms what Her Son clarifies:
These are the End Times, yes children, they are.
They are the instants announced, yes children, they are, but a Divine Instant is not an instant of man, for this reason I call you not to decay, but to continue making the great effort to grow in union with My Son and I call you to live more of the spirit.
Is the end of the world coming? No children. 07.30.2018
It is you who need to pray for yourselves to achieve forgiveness and blessing and I as Queen and Mother of the Last Times, not of the end of the world, but of the last times, is that I summon you to be aware that it is urgent, and as the People of God, make the decision to renounce the world and its machinations, to renounce satan and his perversion, to renounce the novelties that pervert you because in these last times, the devil, knowing that time remains , has been launched and will be launched with greater tenacity on My Son’s People to reduce them. 20.08.2018
It is presented by the Queen and Mother of the End Times…
In the history of Salvation, God has always intervened at each stage in favor of His faithful and this is how He has blessed this Generation with a special creature, to whom He has endowed a particular anointing to help His People in the most difficult moments and today it is presented by the Queen and Mother of the End Times…
My children, as a Mother I bless you, as a Mother I offer you My Love and My Heart so that you enter into it and as Queen and Mother of the Last Times I ask that each one of you be that child that the Hand of the Father protects and is born from the Hand of the Father as His creature, representing the Holy Remnant. Do not forget Our beloved Angel of Peace that he will present himself to Humanity after the antichrist is subjugating the People of My Son, so that he will not be confused with the antichrist.
Today I present the Angel of peace before humanity…
A new creature, a creature instructed by the Holy Trinity, a creature that, like John the Baptist, will still cry out in the desert of this generation so that they resume and continue the path towards Salvation. 20.08.2018
Our Queen and Mother guides the Apostles of the Last Times towards Her Divine Son and towards the final Triumph, who are those where “the Divine Will will be fulfilled on earth as it is in Heaven”.
I hold My Hand to all those who wish to be guided towards My Son, as the first Disciple of My Son, He has called Me to be Queen and Mother of the Last Times and, therefore, to guide the Apostles of the Last Times Time.
As Apostles they must work without rest, knowing that evil does not rest and is merciless against souls to increase its booty. You have to know how to recognize the signs of this instant in which you see how My Revelations come to fulfillment in every aspect of man’s life.
The Apostles of the last times are not a selected group, but are those human creatures who convert and commit to live in the Trinitarian Will, being one more voice that rises to wake up their brothers before they fall prey to the nets of the evil.
Apostles of the last times, strengthen yourselves, love with Divine Love and forgive with true love, that same love that My Son gives you.
Bewilder humanity with the love of My Son, the forgiveness of My Son, the dedication of My Son, the charity of My Son, the goodness of My Son, the hope of My Son. Be faithful fulfillers of the Trinitarian Will, pray with your heart. 06.12.2018
The Blessed Virgin Mary is always faithful and Her Promises are fulfilled…
Do not fear, I remain with you, Apostles of the last times. I bless you. 25.11.2018