“Convert now, before the time comes when it will be too late… Satan has tightened his grip on human beings” … This is why Our Lady stays with us on earth for so long

In this sense, the conversion desired by Our Lady is not limited to going to Mass but it is a work of collaboration with God, so that all humanity can save itself from a century of moral oppression, in which Satan has tightened the grip on human beings.Moreover, the desired conversion must be “complete” also because, on a personal level, it is a path that can not be exhausted in a single day, the soul needs to be purified gradually and once it has reached the state of purity it must remain interior of a path of light that can only be maintained through prayer: 

The apparitions of Medjugorje are a maternal call to all the faithful, the goal of Our Lady is to convert every woman, man and child of the world before it is too late, before the point of no return arrives. The Celestial mother has stretched her hand to her children, promises them a reliable guide to a path of light that leads to the conversion “Complete” and consequently to God.


Our Lady has often stressed the need for conversion (which many have experienced in Medjugorje) to be complete, not to limit herself to establishing that God exists and that in consequence of this one becomes nominally believers. In fact, the status of a believer must be sustained by a life as a believer, made up of prayer, fasting and expression of the word of God on earth:

“My children, I desire that you too be active in this time which, through me, is linked to Heaven in a special way. Pray to be able to understand how it is necessary for you all to collaborate, with your life and your example, in the work of salvation.Little children, I desire that men convert and see in me me and my Son Jesus. I will intercede for you and I will help you to become light. Help others, because by helping them, your soul will also find salvation “.

In this sense, the conversion desired by Our Lady is not limited to going to Mass but it is a work of collaboration with God, so that all humanity can save itself from a century of moral oppression, in which Satan has tightened the grip on human beings.Moreover, the desired conversion must be “complete” also because, on a personal level, it is a path that can not be exhausted in a single day, the soul needs to be purified gradually and once it has reached the state of purity it must remain interior of a path of light that can only be maintained through prayer:

“You can not say that you are converted, because your life must become daily conversion. To understand what you must do, little children, pray; and God will make it clear what is needed concretely that you do and where you need to change. I am with you and I put you all under my mantle “.


The reason why Our Lady fell on earth for so long to recall the faithful daily to conversion is soon said: we are in a century of perdition, in which faith has been lost in favor of false ideals, a condition that leads to the damnation of ‘soul:

“This century is under the power of the devil, but when the secrets that have been entrusted to you are fulfilled, his power will be destroyed. Already now he begins to lose his power and has become aggressive: he destroys marriages, raises discord between priests, creates obsessions, murderers. You must protect yourself with prayer and fasting: above all with community prayer. Take blessed symbols with you. Put them in your homes, resume the use of the holy water “.


Our Lady has entrusted each of the visionaries 10 secrets, some of them are terrible punishments for humanity, others are signs of the imminent end, we also know that one of them, the third left to Mirjana, will be permanent, an incontrovertible proof of existence of God. Thanks to that sign many will be converted, but at that point it will be too late for this the Madonna never tires of repeating:

“Hurry up and convert. Those who do not believe do not wait for the sign that has been announced, it will be too late. You who believe, convert and deepen your conversion “. 


4 thoughts on ““Convert now, before the time comes when it will be too late… Satan has tightened his grip on human beings” … This is why Our Lady stays with us on earth for so long

  • I am not convinced the 40 000 apparitions in Medjugorgae are really the Mother of God. Proponents I meet never know the full story. But good many govretreat there and have sacraments etc.

    • Why do you need to keep believing in this place? Why would Mary appear at a place, that doesn’ t get approved? Wouldn’t. that raise a red flag? Maybe not, oh brother!

      • Literally thousands of ” messages.” No problem, perfectly fine, no question??

      • Thousands of children cry die of hunger and money is given to a unapproved ‘ apparition.” Fatima and Akita and Lourdes are there, but they are neglected. Lord have mercy! It is not your money, it is God’ s.

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