Fr. Michel Rodrigue Talks about the End Times Message: “A great darkness is coming now upon the world: a darkness of sin, of misery, of Satan, who will try to disfigure the face of My Body, which is My Church.”

Source Count Down to the Kingdom

Fr. Michel received a second message when praying in the same chapel in Knock, Ireland October 13, 2019.

This time, it was from Jesus:

I am the Lamb of God. Soon, I will open the seven seals to fulfill the will of My Father.

Whoever welcomes you, welcomes Me, and welcomes the blessing of My Father.

When you see the Host, you see My Body and My Blood. You see My face that is presented to you as white, shining bread. I am the Bread of Life for everyone. Who will eat this Bread of Life will rise on the last day.

A great darkness is coming now upon the world: a darkness of sin, of misery, of Satan, who will try to disfigure the face of My Body, which is My Church. He will try to disfigure My white face in the Holy Eucharist with an abominable sacrilege.

At that moment, time will be up. A great disaster will engulf the world, as never before. Rome will fall. Satan will never prevail over My just and My faithful remnant.

The sign will be in the sky, and the hand of My Father will vanquish the darkness of Satan, his false prophet, and his slithering acolytes.

The seal will be broken. Prepare yourself for this day. My Mother will protect My just everywhere in the refuges prepared by her Immaculate Heart.

My son, Michel, you will have great responsibilities on your shoulders. Know that the burden will be light, and the joy of My children will be great. “Happy are those who are called to the supper of the Lamb.” I cherish and protect them. I nourish them. I bless them. They will not fear the pestilence of the enemy.

Your Savior, your friend,


One thought on “Fr. Michel Rodrigue Talks about the End Times Message: “A great darkness is coming now upon the world: a darkness of sin, of misery, of Satan, who will try to disfigure the face of My Body, which is My Church.”

  • I am an old lady that had what I thought was a message from Revelations. Now after reading other articles about Father Michel Rodrigue I believe it could have been an Apocalyptic Prophecy. It occurred in 2007. I desperately need to know why a sinner like me would receive such a message. Please, is there a way I could communicate with Father Michel? My email is This is the second time I have posted this message on Mystic Post. PLEASE HELP ME.

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