From Medjugorje – December 20, 2020 – Christmas Hope for the world? Mirjana: ‘We are approaching the time of the triumph of the heart of our Mother!”
Mirjana: ‘We are approaching the time of the triumph of the heart of our Mother!” This is all I can say about it now.”
In a recent testimony in Medjugorje, the visionary Mirjana Soldo declares: ‘We are approaching the time of the triumph of the heart of our Mother!’ The triumph of his heart will come through the priests, who are fundamental to this, it is important to pray for all of them! I can’t tell you more now!
“What I can say and you can make the same conclusion when you look at Our Lady’s messages, between good and evil, between what is supposed to happen because you have to know what our Lady said, what she started in Fatima she will accomplish in Medjugorje. She said ‘My Immaculate Heart will triumph’.
So from this moment that we are living now until her triumph, there is a bridge and that bridge are the priests. And Our Lady decided we must pray for the priests so that this bridge may form. Priests are the bridge and we need our priests so we can all cross that bridge that takes us to Our Lady’s triumph.”
Mirjana in talk on November 2007
“When we look at Our Lady’s messages, when we talk about the privileged ones then we can talk about priests. Because Our Lady never said what they should do but only and always what we should do for them. She said they don’t need you to to judge and criticise them, but they need you to pray for them and love them.
My children, if you lose respect for priests, then you will lose respect for the church and in the end, Dear God as well. Once again I repeat, God will judge the priests they way they were as priests . Recently, almost every 2nd of the month, Our Lady has been emphasising the importance of praying for priests.
For example when she is blessing us and the things that are for blessing, she always says, I am giving you my motherly blessing but the greatest blessing you can receive on earth is a blessing coming from your priest. That is my son himself blessing you. And she says do not forget to pray for your shepherds.Their priestly hands are blessed by my son. Even in this latest message she invited us to pray for our priests.
Special Christmas Message From Ivan 2020
Ivan Dragicevic
My dear friends in Christ,
Our lives have been changed since the temporary darkness of this storm has entered the Church and the world. Life seems complicated and uncertain; our hearts are restless. Many feel anxious and frightened. We seek clarity; we seek light; we seek true peace.
Now more than ever, our Mother’s voice is being heard. Our Lady is the new voice calling out in the desert: “Do not be afraid of the storm! It is more important to prepare your hearts for the Lord! Live in hope!“
Our Lady gives us the remedy of hope: conversion, prayer from the heart (especially the Rosary), active reading of the Scriptures, frequent confession, fasting and Holy Mass.
For nearly 40 years Our Lady has asked us to pray for the realization of her plans.
Dear friends, these plans come from our Father. “Thy will be done”. It is Our Lady’s will that we live in “joyful hope” every day, in the faith that Jesus gave us in the Gospel. St. Paul tells us that “hope does not disappoint.” Hope is the “anchor of the soul.”
Christmas is a time of great “joyful hope.” It is not simply a sense of optimism. It is the truth. That truth is Jesus Christ. Jesus, our Savior, through the Virgin Mary, came to earth as a man to select and understand us, heal and raise, liberate and transform us into new beautiful creations. Only Jesus is our peace. Jesus is our true hope.
Christmas does not apply to expensive gifts that emphasize our wallet and our time. Joy is the real gift of Christmas.
Our Lady says, “Dear children, I want you to become carriers of the peace and joy of God into this world.” Wear it simply: smile a lot, laugh often, do kind gestures, and offer forgiveness.
I pray that you will strive to find the deepest of all joys: the knowledge of Christ’s joy. I pray in a special way that Jesus may be born anew in your hearts.
The Gospel tells us that God is revealed to the little ones. To experience the birth of Jesus means just that — to become small and to approach the deep mystery of the Christmas Nativity scene. The celebration of Christmas invites us to discern the essential from the unimportant things in life.
Therefore, we ask the Lord for perseverance on this path and perfection in faith and love. We pray that we be honest and authentic Christians.
In this spirit, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a blessed New 2021 Year!
Peace and good!
Yours,Ivan, Laureen, Kristina, Mikayla, Daniel and Mathew.