Gisella Cardia New Message “From Our Lord”: “The time is over, now the Warning is near. I will return in Glory”

Gisella – Now the Warning is Near
Our Lord to Gisella Cardia
on December 24th, 2020:
My bride, you are here waiting for your husband. I have brought these families together because I want you to share the love, the love of a true family, a strong love. I too was born into a family full of love, and just like Me, you must bestow and be examples of My great love. May your families be examples of unity, strength and love; raise your children with love in such a way that they can teach others. All of you are waiting for My birth! Some are commenting on the messages that My Mother has given to humanity, saying: “Who knows what will happen, when it will happen? In time we will see.” Believe what you have been told because the time is over, now the Warning is near. I will return in Glory, while my angels will put the crown on the King who is being born; I will return with My power, with My love and with My greatness. Everyone will believe Me and will sing Hymns to the Lord together with My angels. I will return to take you home where you deserve joy and prosperity.[1]
Keep your families united, forgive past grudges, love one another as I love you. I love you more than anything else in the world. Now wait and pray. I caress you one by one, reminding you of My love for you. Love Me, My bride, love Me, and you will have a foretaste of the the joys of My world. I love you. Thank you for having welcomed Me into your home. I bless you in the name of the Father, in my name and that of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Blessed Mother Mary please cover my children with your heavenly mantle and ask Jesus to lead them back to the sacraments. And help Ashley Mary to heal and get an affordable apartment.