I bless you Jesus and I love you with all my heart. Praise, glory and honor to the King of Kings

Lord, stay with me on this day


and animate my actions, 
my words and my thoughts. 
Keep my feet 
why not idle strollers, 
but bring me to meet 
to the needs of others. 
Keep my hands 
because they do not stretch to do evil

but always to hug and help.

Keep my mouth 
why not say things that are false and vain

and do not talk bad about your neighbor, 
but always be ready to encourage everyone

and bless you, Lord of life.

Keep my hearing 
because it does not waste time 
listening to empty words and falsehoods,

but always be ready to welcome 
your mysterious message

to fulfill your will even today.


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I adore you, my God,

and I love you with all my heart.

I thank you for having created me, a Christian fact

and kept on this night.

I offer you the actions of the day:

let them be all according to your holy will

and for your greater glory.

Preserve me from sin and every evil.

Your grace is always with me

and with all my loved ones.



Divine Heart of Jesus,

I offer you through the Immaculate Heart

of Mary, Mother of the Church,

in union with the Eucharistic sacrifice,

prayers and actions, joys and sufferings

of this day:

in reparation for sins,

for the salvation of all men,

in the grace of the Holy Spirit,

to the glory of the Divine Father.
