Jesus King of All Nations, Protector Against Hurricanes
On the vigil of 9/11, 2017, I was visiting my daughter in Kalispell, Montana, 50 miles from the raging, destructive, wildfires that darkened the setting sun with a haze of smoke. I was also concerned for our winter office in Venice, Florida, on its west coast. Hurricane Irma endangered it. The forecast was for the eye of the hurricane to proceed north and pass over Venice at 2 AM the next day with a wind speed of 115 miles per hour and a projected storm water surge of 10 to 20 feet. If it did, it would have flooded and destroyed our manufactured home office. I had consecrated the office to Jesus King of All Nations and enthroned His image there, as He requested of everyone.
At 9 PM, I finished my daily prayers to Jesus King of All Nations for protection against Irma and I was wearing His medal for which He promised protection. Just before I went to bed, I imaginatively stood on our property in Florida, lifted my right hand as a stop sign against Irma and prayed, “In the name of Jesus King of All Nations, I command you winds to calm and you rains and storm surge to abate.” Then I prayed the Novena Prayer in Honor of Jesus as True King.
The New York Times reported that as Irma approached Venice, its eye began to disintegrate. People told me that they saw the yellow breakups of the eye on their TV screens. The Los Angeles Times reported that at 9:23 PM, Irma’s path unexpectedly changed in direction from due north to north-northeast. It eventually went around Venice and proceeded diagonally across the state to Jacksonville on the east coast.
Irma only grazed Venice with a wind speed of 70 mph and a storm surge of only 1 foot, contrary to the predicted monster storm. Our home office did not suffer from a drop of water or even any blown off leaves and no loss of electricity. It was totally unscathed by Irma. I attribute this to the promised protection of Jesus King of All Nations who is faithful and true.
The Psalm for the Mass of September 12 was Psalm 145, “I will extol you, 0 my God and King, and I will bless your name forever and ever. Let all your works give you thanks, O Lord, and let your faithful ones bless you. Let them discourse of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might.”
So, I extol Jesus King of All Nations, attribute His protection from Irma to His medal, His prayers, His promises and to the enthronement of His image. I bless His name forever and I make this discourse in this article of the glory of His Kingdom and His might.
Some might say this is arrogant of me, because many other people were praying. I’m sure that they were and they might have their own protection stories to tell. However, this is my particular story of praying particular prayers for which Jesus gave particular promises for protection from natural disasters. Some prayers are definitely more efficacious than others, particularly when they are requested or revealed by Jesus and Mary, such as the Rosary, the Divine Mercy prayers and the protection prayers of Jesus King of All Nations. I give all the glory for this protection to Him and take none of it for myself and I encourage others to pray His prayers and ask for His promised protection.
Jesus King of All Nations promises us His protection and to mitigate the severity of the chastisements upon our country. He said, “Each time you say these prayers, I will mitigate the severity of the chastisements upon your country. Whenever there is the threat of severe weather, recite these prayers along with the prayers I will later teach you, and no harm will come to you or to those you pray for.” (Journal 41-42). He also promises “mercy, pardon, and protection in times of severe weather and plagues.” (Journal 54). Learn more about His prayers here.
Jesus also gave us the great gift of His medal for our protection. He promised those who wear the medal, “the grace of protection from harm from all forms of My Justice. This will especially be true of danger coming from natural disasters.” This is the only medal revealed by Jesus for protection! This unique medal is manufactured exclusively for our apostolate. Learn more about His medal here.
Jesus promises us His protection, but He pleads with each one of us to change our hearts and to embrace His gift of His Devotion.
However, while Jesus gives us the grace to change our hearts, He respects our free will and leaves the choice to us to accept or reject both His admonition and the gift of His Devotion. He said,
Until the heart of man changes the world will not and cannot change. Greater and greater will be the catastrophes in nature which itself rebels against the sinfulness of the children of men. The earth itself writhes in horror at the weight of corruption and uncleanness it supports. It cries out for justice against its inhabitants. Embrace My Devotion of Jesus King of All Nations for it is a great Mercy given by your God for these most perilous times.
Please accept this gift from Jesus and embrace His Devotion to prevent His prophesied chastisements from nature, from man, and from Heaven itself.
He also promised us His protection for enthroning His Image. Learn how here.
Here is a formula for protection, endurance and survival of natural disasters:
God’s Survival Kit: Faith in God’s Protection, Prayer for Protection, Thanksgiving for Protection, Acts of Mercy for Victims and Hope for the Future. As Jesus King of All Nations requested, we should embrace His devotion, pray His prayers, wear His medal of protection, rely on His promises of protection, enthrone and venerate His image everywhere and pray through the intercession of St. Michael the Archangel and Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace.
You may see my book,The Coming Great Chastisement and The Great Renewal, here

Jesus said, “I have given a GREAT REMEDY in my devotion of Jesus, King of All Nations. I ask My children to embrace this devotion. To pray this devotion. Invoke me as Jesus, King of All Nations. My Mercy and Protection will cover those souls, families and nations that invoke me thus. I will stretch forth to them my scepter of Mercy that they may take firm hold and not let go of my Divine Will and Law. I will cover them with my Kingly Mantle that my Perfect Justice may not reach them as it will reach those who have abandoned my Law.” (Journal 318).
“I have had the privilege of studying the Jesus King of All Nations revelations with great care. This study has left me no doubts, not even minor, concerning the authenticity of these revelations as revelations directly dictated by Jesus to his Secretary and the truth of their content as a remedy for the imminent chastisement under way.” Father Peter Damian Fehlner, OFM Conv.
Listen to Dan talk about chastisements on the Drew Mariani Show on Relevant Radio beginning at minute 37, HERE.
Dan Lynch is the Director of Dan Lynch Apostolates promoting devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Jesus King of All Nations, Our Lady of America and St. John Paul II. He is an author, public speaker and a former judge and lawyer in Vermont. He has appeared many times on radio and television and has spoken at conferences throughout the world. You may learn more about Dan HERE.
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Dan Lynch Apostolates promoting devotion to
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Jesus King of All Nations,
Our Lady of America and Saint John Paul II
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