Letter from Romania: Medjugorje Pilgrim Shares Emotional Story and Photos of Our Lady of Lourdes Statue (Possibly Weeping) Inside St. James Church
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« All is grace »
/St. Thérèse de Lisieux/
Praise be to Jesus and Mary, the Queen of Peace and the Queen of the Holy Rosary!
Dear Mr. Ryan,
First of all I would like to send you our congratulations for your very appreciated website. God and Our Lady, the Queen of Peace may bless you!

My name is Mr. Elemér Bartis, I was born (1981) and I live in Romania, but I am Hungarian (minority). I am 36, married with Melinda and we have a daughter, her name is Mirjám Hanna. I am a german teacher in a small town, in Odorheiu Secuiesc, in East Romania. My English is not so good, so I plead for your understanding.
I desire to share with you my testimony and the immesurable love, grace and gift that I experienced shortly, in Medjugorje.
I was as a pilgrim in Medjugorje three times (2x 2001, 2013) and after many years of desire God grant me the grace of a new pilgrimage from 31.08.2017 to 03.09.2017 together with a group of pilgrims (approx. 50 person) and with our parish priest, who was our spiritual guide.
We were present at the public apparition to Mirjana at the Blue Cross on 02.09.2017. What a great, wonderful and beautiful gift from Heaven! We have many graces received during these days in Medjugorje! I would like to share with you one of them. This happened at Sunday, 03.09.2017, at noon. After the Holy Mass at Majcino Selo we had to spend free time. I decided to go alone in the St. James Church to greet Our Lord in the Eucharist and His most beloved Mother. I felt in my heart the desire to pray alone in silence before Them. I take my camera and during the prayer I have taken some photos in front of the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes. She was during my prayer so beautiful and filled with love to us, her children. This made me so happy… because in my heart I felt Her motherly Love… and this Love was so great, so pure, so unconditionally… I wanted to take this moments of grace with me. We were only few persons in front of Her statue in prayer at this time.
I don t realized just after some hours, what a great event happened during the prayer in front of Our Heavenly Mother in the Church. I would like to mention that I have an old digital camera (more than 10 years) Olympus FE-230 with 7.1 megapixel. I used this simple camera to make some photos from Our Lady during and at the end of my personal prayer. I would like to mention too that during my prayer I have not seen and I do not got a sight, I don t observed the Tears in the Eyes of Our Mother. In fact, for that very reason I was really shocked when I looked back my photos on my camera after few hours!!!
On this same day, the 3rd September 2017, after the evening mass and the 3rd rosary with the glorious mysteries I was anew in the St. James Church before the statue of Our Lady to thanksgiving. It was the last day from our pilgrimage. During the last decades came a person and knelt down very near to me. I lift up suddenly my head and I looked up and I see Sister Emmanuel Maillard! It was anew a very nice gift of God and of Our Lady, the Queen of Peace to me! to see one of the most important witness of the events in Medjugorje, immersed deep in prayer next to me. It was for me a great joy to meet Sister Emmanuel personally!
Arrived at home I shared these great graces just with my family and relatives and with some friends. In prayer asked I God and Mary, our dearest Mother, for what I have to do with these graces that I received in Medjugorje. I feel and I know that these signs, these miraculous images are not just for me but instead for Everyone, for all our Sisters and Brothers in Christ.
The Tears of Our Lady are the Tears of Love, the precious testimony and the visible sign of the Love of Her Immaculate Heart, that us so much love…
Yes, I am deep convinced together with one of my favorite Saint Therese, that Everything in our lives is Grace. This experienced I, Glory be to The Lord, in many many situations of my life… I am very thankful first of all to God and than to Our dearest Gospa, the Mother of God for all these great graces and for Their unmeasurable love and mercy to all of us. With a happy and joyful heart I share with you this Grace, these wonderful and miraculous images/photos. You can decide, if you want to share this photos at your website with all those, who read it and are interested.
I remain in prayer for you and your important mission.Your sincerely,
Mr. Elemér Bartis
The statue of Our Lady of Lourdes in St. James Church in Medjugorje

I also was at the apparition on 2nd September this year. Loved your story. God Bless
This seems to be happening. The struggle is now between believers and those who do not know God