Medjugorje: Is the sun-dance a true miracle?…“I myself saw the unusual dance of the sun, along with a hundred pilgrims. This manifestation was so unusual and obvious, that everyone, without exception, classified it as a miracle.”
How can we explain the phenomena that occur in Medjugorje?
Professor Ljudevit Rupcic spoke of many unexplained phenomena that occurred in Medjugorje.

He invites us to reflect on how many miraculous healings and how many events related to the sun dance have been reported.
Many of the people who go to Medjugorje for the first time each year are skeptical or in search of something that can nourish their thoughts against this place of grace. Most of these, once here, are instead kidnapped by the air of peace that is breathed in this place and, in most cases, a new path of rapprochement with the faith begins. Not only places and testimonies, but also some signs contribute to this conversion of heart to Medjugorje. That of the sun dance is one of the most frequent signs
The sun dance has converted many people
Professor Ljudevit Rupcic tells us: “I myself saw the unusual dance of the sun, along with a hundred pilgrims. This manifestation was so unusual and obvious, that everyone, without exception, classified it as a miracle. None of those present was indifferent and I convinced myself by asking those present. The joy, the tears and their claims confirmed it. From their words we could see that they understood that manifestation as a confirmation of the authenticity of the apparitions and an incentive to respond to the messages of Medjugorje, accepting them “.
Following testimonies like these, many other people went to Medjugorje and decided to change their lives. Professor Ljudevit Rupcic says: “This is the real purpose of the miracle: to help people believe and live by faith so that they are at the service of faith and salvation.
Regarding the luminous phenomena of Medjugorje, a professor who worked in Vienna and an expert in the field, admitted that, for a week, he had studied these phenomena in Medjugorje.
He finally told me: “Science has no answers for these manifestations”. ”
“Very significant is the fact that many events have been understood by the faithful as true miracles. They understood their meaning and, whether they were direct or indirect witnesses, they felt they were accepting the messages of Medjugorje . It is difficult to say precisely how many of these miraculous events occurred as a consequence of the Medjugorje apparitions . However, it is known that several hundred have been reported and confirmed. Several have been examined in full and scientifically and theologically elaborated and there is no serious reason to doubt their supernatural character.
Antonella Sanicanti