Medjugorje: The Pearls of Mary June 28, 2019 …”This is why I need you… All this makes you my apostles and leads you to the triumph of my Heart.”
Message of 2 November 2014

“Dear children, I am with you with the blessing of my Son, with you who love me and who you seek to follow me.
I also want to be with you, who do not welcome me.
To all of you I open my Heart full of love and I bless you with my motherly hands.
I am a Mother who understands you: I have lived your life and experienced your sufferings and joys.
You, who live the pain, understand my pain and my suffering for those my children who do not allow my Son to illuminate them, for those my children who live in darkness.
This is why I need you, you who have been illuminated by the light and you have understood the truth.
I invite you to adore my Son, so that your soul grows and reaches a true spirituality.
My apostles, then you can help me.
Helping me means praying for those who have not known the love of my Son.
Praying for them, you show my Son that you love him and follow him.
My Son promised me that evil will never win, because here you are, the souls of the just:
you, who are trying to say your prayers with your heart; you who offer your sorrows and sufferings to my Son;
you, who understand that life is only a blink of an eye;
you who yearn for the Kingdom of Heaven.
All this makes you my apostles and leads you to the triumph of my Heart.
Therefore, my children, purify your hearts and worship my Son. Thank you!”
From these messages the need to realize what our heavenly Mother asked us was born in us and our goal is to bring as many souls to the heavenly Father through the intercession of Mary with the Faith in Christ Jesus our only Lord and Savior.