Medjugorje: The seer Vicka: The Pope is a holy person, Our Lady said she chose him for this very time!

Source Papaboys 3.0 Translated by Google from Italian

Some reflections of the best known visionary Vicka of Medjugorje. 
And we also want to propose to you in these hours the words about Pope Francis, to be kept clearly in mind, pronounced, for those who believe in it, by the Virgin .  With due clarification for the readers. In the graphics the words ‘Beloved Holy Father’ are directly referred by the Madonna to Pope Francis , in the interview to follow, the visionary referred to John Paul II instead 

The substance does not change. Our Lady calls Pope FRANCIS ‘BELOVED HOLY FATHER’, the seer tells us that JOHN PAUL II was the right Pope for the time. 

We add: just as Francis is suitable for this. And we want to remind all those  CATHOLICS that   commenting negatively on social networks, that, being a Pontiff elected with the Holy Spirit, according to our faith, denying him and criticizing him would also be go against the Third Person of the Trinity. Enjoy the reading!  
We can pray for world peace. “But if you, says Our Lady, pray for peace in the world and do not have peace in your heart, this prayer does not have much value”. 
The worst war is within families and the one that is in hearts and consciences. I say with all my heart that this type of war is the heaviest. Our war is now behind us and we are now calm. But you, who didn’t have that war, are in a more difficult situation. As long as you don’t start praying, this war will get worse and worse.
Our Lady often reminds us that we must put God first and everything else comes later. When people say, “You can’t find peace,” “It’s too difficult,” it means they do little to change. If we decide to change our hearts and our lives, then peace comes for sure. One must turn to God saying: «Lord, change my heart, do it according to your will, because I want to live with your peace. Then this peace arrives for sure ».

Even if our prayer is done in silence, God hears it.

The Pope is a holy person, whom Our Lady said she had chosen for this very time. We have to pray a lot for him, who needs our prayers.

  In this moment, when Our Lady is here among us, it is in a particular way a time of conversion and a time of great grace.

Our Lady at this moment recommends us to pray more, especially for her intentions and plans, and she also invites us to pick up the Bible every day, to read a few lines and then try to live it throughout the day.
He also recommends that we pray for the Holy Pontiff, the bishops, the priests and for our whole Church which needs our prayers. In particular, Our Lady prays for peace and invites us to join her for this intention.

I don’t believe that evil is stronger than good. If God allows evil it is also to prove our faith. The good is certainly stronger. I have no doubts about this. Evil can disturb, but it cannot win. We should be able to say to God every day: “Here I am, do with me what you want”. In this way our program with God is realized.  Our Lady wanted to teach us that we must begin to love in order to become more beautiful. When you begin to love your brother and sister, your mother and your father and everyone else with the same love, then there is no problem with beauty, because it comes by itself.

5 thoughts on “Medjugorje: The seer Vicka: The Pope is a holy person, Our Lady said she chose him for this very time!

  • I would like the source of this information so that I can read further


  • We should not lean n our own understanding. God has a plan that requires our faith, not our criticism. He is in charge.

  • I do pray for our Pope. Joe Biden (President Elect), endorses abortion, homosexuality and same sex marriages, and yet our Pope backed this so-called Catholic President to be. The Pachamama incident – how can our loving God approve of this scandal – opposed by so many prominent Cardinals and Bishops whom the Pope refuses to see?
    I love the Blessed Mother more than life itself and would rather die than do anything that would hurt her. I am praying for the holy Spirit to help me discern this alleged message from our Blessed Mother to Vicka.

  • It’s is obvious that Pope Francis is in league with the globalists. And the prophecy about the smoke of satan invading the church is evident in this papacy, though it has been seeping in since Vatican II and prior to that. So much more could be said, but why? There is a VAST difference between Pope John Paul II and Pope Francis. Archbishop Vigano’s positions are much more worthy of a Pope than Francis.

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