Medjugorje. The visionary Mirjana: “The triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will take place through the priests!”… “Priests need our protection more than ever, because they are surely the first target of satan!”
We must pray for our priests, they will be the ones to open the doors of heaven to us for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These are the words of the visionary Mirjana Soldo, who in these hours met a group of pilgrims in Medjugorje.
Sister Emmanuel Maillard states that: “Priests need our protection more than ever, because they are surely the first target of satan! Mandated by God to reveal to Maryam of Bethlehem his traps and techniques, Satan admitted: “For us (demons) to triumph over a priest or over a religious soul, it is more than perverting an entire city.”
In fact, thousands of souls mystically depend primarily on priests and also on religious souls.
Celebrating his daily Mass, only one faithful priest attracts a multitude of sinners to Jesus, to the salvation offered by Christ.
The enemy knows well the stakes for the souls, The enemy also is terrified by the power of the priests and wants to destroy them; this is why they need our prayers so much.

During a meeting with the faithful, Mjrjana Soldo explained why the Madonna during her apparitions of the two of the month, asks to pray for all the priests. These are his words:
“Do not believe those who want to frighten you, because a Mother did not come to earth to destroy her children.
She never says what they have to do, but she always says what we have to do for them.
Our Lady says: “They do not need your judgment, your criticisms, they need your prayers and your love, because God will judge them as they were like priests, but will judge you for your behavior towards the priests”.
She says: “If you, my children, lose respect for the priests, slowly you lose respect for the Church and later for the Lord.”

Every second of the month when Our Lady gives us the blessing, she says: “I give you my motherly blessing, but more important is the blessing you can receive on earth: the blessing that the priests give you, because through them my Son blesses you “.
She also said: “Do not forget to pray for your pastors, they have hands blessed by my Son”.
For this, I beg you, when you return to your parishes, show us how our behavior with the priests should be, show that you have been to the school of the Madonna.
If your pastor doesn’t do what you think he should do, don’t go around judging: take the rosary, pray for him.
That is the way to help him, not with judgment; because in this world in which we live there is so much judgment, and so little love.