Medjugorje. The words of Our Lady on the Mass: ‘You will never be able to understand its greatness’
Our Lady’s recommendation to Medjugorje on the importance of Holy Mass, through a summary extrapolated from a series of messages left by the Gospa. Mirjana said: “When we were children, at the beginning of the apparitions, the Gospa told us:
“My children, if you have to choose between the apparition and the Holy Mass always choose Holy Mass, because during Holy Mass my Son is with you!”.
The Christmas Mass is celebrated at midnight and not in the evening. Follow the holy mass carefully. Be disciplined and not chat during Holy Mass. You do not participate in mass as you should. If you knew what grace and what gift you receive in the Eucharist, you would prepare yourself every day for at least an hour. Be good and come to mass without looking for excuses! I recommend you to participate every day at Mass.When you leave home to go to Mass, start already on the way to prepare and gather spiritually. And after Mass, never leave the church without having thanked God properly. My children, you must be of a special spirit when you go to Mass. If you were aware of who you are going to receive, you would jump for joy in approaching communion.
If possible, participate every day at mass. But not as mere spectators, but as people who at the moment of the sacrifice of Jesus on the altar are ready to join him to become with him the same sacrifice for the salvation of the world. Before Mass, prepare yourselves with the prayer and after the Mass thank Jesus, remaining a little time with him in silence! Come to Mass, because this is a time that is given to you as a gift. Dear children, many people come regularly (at Mass), even if it is bad weather, because they love me and want to express their love in a special way. I ask you to show your love by coming to Mass; the Lord will reward you greatly. I invite you to live Holy Mass. Many of you have experienced its beauty, but it is also those who do not like it. I have chosen you, dear children, and Jesus in the Holy Mass gives you his graces. Therefore you live the Holy Mass consciously and your coming is full of joy. Come with love and welcome the Holy Mass in you.

Before Mass we must pray to the Holy Spirit. Prayers to the Holy Spirit must always accompany the mass. Mass is the highest form of prayer. You will never be able to understand its greatness. So be humble and respectful during the celebration and get ready for it with great care. My children! I wish Holy Mass to be the gift of the day for you. Wait for her, you want her to begin because Jesus Himself gives Himself to you during Mass.
Therefore yearn for that moment when you are cleansed. Pray much for the Holy Spirit to renew your parish. If people attend the Mass in a lukewarm manner, they return home cold and with an empty heart. . Participate in mass! And after Mass, you would do well to pray in the church the Creed and the seven Pater Ave Gloria as you do for Pentecost. Holy Mass is life for you! Try to understand that the Church is the house of God, the place where I gather you and I want to show you the way that leads to God. Come and pray! Do not look at others and do not criticize them. Instead, your life is a testimony on the path of holiness. The Churches are worthy of respect and consecrated, because God – who became man – is inside them day and night. Holy Mass is not a habit for you, but a life; by living the holy Mass every day you will feel the need for holiness and grow in holiness.