Medjugorje: Tomorrow is May 25, 2019 Monthly Message for the world. Read Last Year’s Message: “In this peaceless time, I am calling you: do not neglect prayer because prayer works miracles.”

“Dear children! In this peaceless time, I am calling you to have more trust in God who is your Father in Heaven and who has sent me to lead you to Him. You, open your hearts to the gifts which He desires to give you and, in the silence of your heart, Adore my Son Jesus who has given His life so that you may live in eternity – where He desires to lead you. May your hope be the joy of a meeting with the Most High in everyday life. Therefore, I am calling you: do not neglect prayer because prayer works miracles. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
the title is Tomorrow is May 25,2019…how come there is a message in advance?
im sorry I should have made it more clear that that was last year’s message.. Thanks for the note
but still the year is 2019 sir and the word TOMORROW is confusing
i will fix
thanks,its not posted in fb front page title yet that that was a message last year
Yes the most powerful in the world.Prsy for my mother Aurea H.Esteron she is sick and have a cataract and good health and long life and pray for me and our family,’s relatives and friends peace of mind and peace of the world.
thanks,its not posted in fb front page title yet that that was a message last year