My chocolate gift quote

Today a friend of mine brought me a box of chocolate bonbon. Besides the fact that these bonbons are delicious chocolate treats made of the finest chocolate cream and hazelnuts, covered of course by a layer of extra dark chocolate, they also have love notes which show particular feelings and render each bonbon so special.

When I chose one the note around my chocolate quoted St Augustine who said: The measure of love is to love without measure. In his homily during his visit to Bari for the meeting of reflection and spirituality, “Mediterranean: Frontier of Peace”, on February 23 2020, Pope Francis said:

Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. This is the Christian innovation. It is the Christian difference. Pray and love: this is what we must do; and not only with regard to those who love us, not only with regard to our friends or our own people. The love of Jesus knows no boundaries or barriers. The Lord demands of us the courage to have a love that does not count the cost. Because the measure of Jesus is love without measure. How many times have we neglected that demand, behaving like everyone else! Yet his commandment of love is not simply a challenge; it is the very heart of the Gospel. Where the command of universal love is concerned, let us not accept excuses or preach prudent caution. The Lord was not cautious; he did not yield to compromises. He asks of us the extremism of charity. This is the only legitimate kind of Christian extremism: the extremism of love.

Am I ready to live the extremism of love by loving my enemies as Jesus clearly bids me in the Gospel?

God our Father, Your Son commanded us, “Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you.” By dying for all humanity, and asking You to forgive those who crucified Him, Jesus saved us and made us sons and daughters of God. Following His example, we pray for our enemies, known and unknown. We ask that the loving will of God be done in their lives. May the Holy Spirit come into their lives and transform their hearts, and ours, leading to peace and reconciliation amongst all Your children. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


Fr Mario Attard OFM Cap