Offering our unjust treatment to the Lord

Sometimes we may find ourselves the victims of injustice. Injustice hurts because we feel that our human dignity is being trampled upon.

Jesus’ example encourages us to keep pursuing the way of holiness even if we have to contend with the injustice others inflict upon us. It is as if the Lord is constantly telling us not to waste time dwelling on past hurts in such a way that they we let them obliterate the hope and joy He gives us to face our life challenges. Jesus himself, when he was unjustly tried, condemned and executed did not dwell on the instinct of carrying out his revenge against his adversaries. On the opposite, He wisely put them into his Father’s hands by praying this most beautiful and powerful prayer the Gospel of Luke tells us of: Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). Jesus kept doing his Father’s Will till the very end. That is why He was able to say resolutely: It is finished (John 19:30).

In her Diary, St Faustina writes: O Holy Trinity, One and Indivisible God, may You be blessed for this great gift and testament of mercy. My Jesus, to atone for blasphemers I will keep silent when unjustly reprimanded and in this way make partial amends to You. I am singing within my soul an unending hymn to You, and no one will suspect or understand this. The song of my soul is known to You alone, O my Creator and Lord!

Lord Jesus, I offer the hurts unjustly inflicted on me by others for the salvation of sinners and for those who are dying and most need Your Divine Mercy. Replace O Lord the bitterness I received and receive by the eternal sweetness of your Divine Mercy. Amen. Jesus I trust in You!

Fr Mario Attard OFM Cap