“Many pilgrims, even priests, don’t understand why Our Lady has been coming every day, what she could be saying to me every day and what I have to say to her every day. I have to tell you we talk a lot! One day soon when things are revealed, you will understand, your eyes will be opened. When we see the physical changes that will happen in the world, we will understand why she came every day.”
Ivan questions acceptance of Mary’s messages
posted by Medjugorje Today TV
The Virgin Mary’s apparitions in Medjugorje are for all of mankind. But has mankind responded to the grace as it ought to? Visionary Ivan Dragicevic asks this and other questions, but leaves the answers open in a retrospective talk for the 30th anniversary of the apparitions.

Ivan Dragicevic during his retrospective talk about the first 30 years of apparitions – and the degree of acceptance of the Virgin Mary’s messages.
Visionary Ivan Dragicevic made his audience look inwards when he marked the 30th anniversary of the Virgin Mary’s apparitions in a lecture on Friday – by openly asking if the Virgin’s main message had been sufficiently accepted.
“These apparitions of Our Lady are a great crossroads for humanity, a new call, a new way, a new future for mankind. But how aware are we of the messages? Do they go to our heart? Do we live them? For thirty years we have had a message, you could say, each day from Our Lady. Can we live these messages in one life time?” Ivan said.
“For a few years we had a message every Thursday and then we had a message once a month. Why? Our Lady was giving us more time to understand each message. It is important to use our time well, to live the messages”.
Stressing that the following passage does not refer to the 10 prophetic secrets to be entrusted by the Virgin Mary to each visionary, Ivan continued his talk:
“Many pilgrims, even priests, don’t understand why Our Lady has been coming every day, what she could be saying to me every day and what I have to say to her every day. I have to tell you we talk a lot! One day soon when things are revealed, you will understand, your eyes will be opened. When we see the physical changes that will happen in the world, we will understand why she came every day.”
“The time before us is one of great responsibility. Each one is responsible. Each family is responsible. We must lead our families spiritually and base our lives on holy things of the Gospel. We must practice what the Gospel teaches. This is the message all these 30 years. It is nothing new; we know it from the Church. But we are not living it. Our Lady invites us to be responsible.”
As far as I’m concerned, we got our own Medjugorje right here in our own Country. I’m talking about
Holy Love Ministries
Maranatha Spring and Shrine
37137 Butternut Ridge Road
North Ridgeville, OH 44039 U.S.A.
Just Google “Holy Love Ministries” and you’ll be right there. They pray the Rosary every evening at 7:00 Eastern Standard Time. Search for it in one of the drop menus. Just click on “News & Events”, and then click “Announcements.” Then click on where it says “LIVESTREAM BROADCAST, and then finally click on the word that says “here.” Sound complicated? It sure does.
About every day, this Maureen Sweeney-Kyle shares a message with us from heaven. She occasionally comes to us with a message about the New Jerusalem, the one spoken of in the book of Revelations. In some of those daily messages we are reminded in various ways to surrender our hearts to God in obedience to His Commandments. And also to pray the Rosary. For when we pray the Rosary our hearts are laid open to heaven and to God’s celestial angels and to His Holy Mother–His Celestial Church the New Jerusalem. All that good stuff. You’d be surprised.
BUT DON’T STOP COMING HERE TO MYSTIC POST. It’s the best place to go to find out what’s going on it the world of Religion. Or at least as far as I know it is. Because, after all, it was right here at Mystic Post where you first heard about the Holy Love Ministry. Thanks. Goodbye.
To the gentleman who posted the comment about Holy Love Ministries.
I live near this place, and I was recently there during an apparent apparition. I must say that I got a very uneasy feeling about it; something that I have never felt on my trips to Medjugorje. Also the messages there seem to always promote “Holy Love Ministries,” which seems very weird. This is very different from how She spoke at Medjugorje & Garabandal. Also, people who live on the grounds there are very guarded when asked any questions about this place. In Medjugorje I have witnessed dramatic, supernatural events, and the feeling of God’s presence is overwhelming. I have also investigated this place for decades and always received good cooperation. I have not had the same positive experiences at Holy Love Ministries. Also, the Holy Mother has said, years ago, that Medjugorje is the last place on earth she will appear; so I’m not sure what to make of this with respect to Holy Love Ministries.
Mr. Rich Sir. I’d like to respond to your statements. But I can’t just now, because I have a minor health issue going on right now. So don’t go away. I’ll be back soon. Thanks.
Sorry to tell you this Mr. Rick Sir, but your statement about our Holy Mothers was not accurately
stated. I’m talking about this one. “The Holy Mother has said, years ago, that Medjugorje is the
last place on earth she will appear.” The truth is, the visionaries, Mirjana and Jakov, have always
ended that statement with the words “in this way.” So here’s what Our Lady most likely really said
that day. “This is the last time I am on this earth in this way.”
Mirjana at the question and answer session at the National Conference on Medjugorje, Notre
Dame University, May 30, 2004: If you’re interested to read more about it, just Google the
following address:
Question: Has Mary said that these are Her last apparitions on earth?
Answer: Like I said, She said [the Blessed Mother] these are the last apparitions on earth in this
way. And I think that She thinks so many years, so many visionaries, but I think that She never
meant that She will never again appear on the earth.
“Confusion always reigns when satan desires to distract people from the real message – and we
should be careful and act with responsibility so that we do not continue to play into the hands
of satan by keeping on stirring the pot of confusion.” And so, here’s another Google page for
you to look into.
“The Messages [at Holy Love Ministries] promote special devotion to the Eucharist, the Holy
Mother of God, and faithfulness to the Tradition of the Church. God’s Will for you is always Holy
Love. And so, all your actions must be based on the two Great Commandments—[to] love God
above all things, and [to] love your neighbor as yourself. You cannot be holy unless you live by
these commandments.”
The following address provides “A Truthful History Of Holy Love Ministries and the Apparitions.”