Our Lady of Guadalupe Shows America What True Motherhood Looks Like

The organization, Florida Physicians Against Amendment 4, opposes a Florida ballot measure to amend the Florida Constitution to allow abortion through all nine months of pregnancy; to allow non-physicians to determine when and if an abortion can be performed, even in late pregnancy, and it will invalidate parental consent laws in Florida for minor girls.

In early September, Dr. Robecca Peck hosted a Florida Visitation of the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe with the intention to defeat this proposed amendment through prayer and Eucharistic adoration.

Here is her report to our Apostolate:

I cannot thank you enough for your Apostolate! Our Lady of Guadalupe was a blessing to me personally and to all who received her! 

On Friday, Sept 6-8, the Missionary Image was displayed in continuous veneration for 2.5 days at the Catholic Medical Association Annual Educational Conference held in Orlando, FL. On the last day, we had an educational talk on her role as Protectress of the Unborn and a sacred historian Dr. Mary Soha discussed connections with the Florida Martyrs and Our Lady of La Leche in St Augustine. Together with Our Lady of La Leche, Our Lady of Guadalupe shows America what true motherhood looks like.

Here is the prayer that Bishop Connely wrote for this special occasion.

On the next Sunday, Sept 8-14, the Missionary Image was displayed in Prince of Peace Catholic Church. There were several prolife programs at this church and others were conducted, along with Mass and adoration. Note the beautiful flowers adorning her image. These events converted many hearts!

During this time, we held a press conference of many doctors speaking out against. Amendment 4 and this was on TV and radio. We did many interviews during her Visitation.

Then, on Sept 15, we brought her to another church, Our Lady of the Springs, where another prolife presentation was held which was also well received.

Finally, on her last day, Sept 16, I brought her to St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic school in order to teach the religion students about her miraculous appearance. 
Again, I thank you so much! Although I am exhausted because I also work full time, Our Lady has greatly blessed me!

May Florida benefit from the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe and may we defeat Amendment 4!

Dan Lynch is the Director of Dan Lynch Apostolates promoting devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Jesus King of All Nations, Our Lady of America and St. John Paul II. He is an author, public speaker and a former judge and lawyer in Vermont. He has appeared many times on radio and television and has spoken at conferences throughout the world. You may learn more about Dan HERE.
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Dan Lynch Apostolates promoting devotion to
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Jesus King of All Nations,
Our Lady of America and Saint John Paul II

144 Sheldon Road, St. Albans, VT 05478
Phone: 802-524-5350
Visit our website at www.JKMI.com
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“May Our Lady cross this continent bringing it life, sweetness and hope!”  Pope John Paul II

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