Pope Francis Wants to Change the Lord’s Prayer …Seeks Better Translation “God does not induce Temptation”

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POPE Francis has called for the Lord’s prayer to be changed – arguing that the translation used by many parts of the world goes against the teachings of the Bible.

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Pope Francis has said the Roman Catholic Church should adopt a better translation of the phrase “lead us not into temptation” in the “Our Father”, the best known prayer in Christianity.

“That is not a good translation,” the pope said in a television interview on Wednesday night.

Francis said the Catholic Church in France had decided to use the phrase “do not let us fall into temptation” as an alternative and indicated that it or something similar should be applied worldwide.

The prayer, also called “The Lord’s Prayer”, is part of Christian liturgical culture and memorized from childhood by hundreds of millions of Catholics.

It is a translation from the Latin vulgate, which was translated from ancient Greek, which was in turn translated from Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus.

Liturgical translations are usually done by local Churches in coordination with the Vatican.

Pope wants to change ‘Lord’s Prayer’ as it implies God ‘induces temptation’

POPE Francis has called for the Lord’s prayer to be changed – arguing that the translation used by many parts of the world goes against the teachings of the Bible.

The Lord’s prayer is spoken by the majority of the world’s 2.2billion Christians, and is cited by the bible as the way Jesus taught his disciples to pray.
However Pope Francis has argued the Italian – and indeed the English translation – go against the teachings of the church.In the much-recited prayer, followers of the faith call on God to “lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”.Speaking to Italian broadcasters, the Pope argued this was incorrect.

Pope Francis


Pope Francis claimed translations of the prayer go against the teachings of the church

He added Christians in France had adapted the prayer to get around the issue.Pope Francis said: “The French have modified the prayer to ‘do not let me fall into temptation’, because it is me who falls, not the Lord who tempts me to then see how I fall”.Last month the head of the Catholic church admitted that he had –f rom time to time – fallen asleep during prayer. 


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14 thoughts on “Pope Francis Wants to Change the Lord’s Prayer …Seeks Better Translation “God does not induce Temptation”

  • For a long time I have been using the words “let us not be tempted.” I totally agree with the pope.

    • C’mon Christians. You are being deceived. Your answer is in the Bible already: Matthew 26:39 (KJV) And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. Luke 4:2 (KJV) Being forty days tempted of the devil. And in those days he did eat nothing: and when they were ended, he afterward hungered.


  • I read the article and I have just one question : What were the Lord’s exact words and is it worth asking the seers to ask our Holy Mother in an attempt to clarify and not cause any confusion?

    • In Aramaic it is, do not try us or do not enter us into trial. St. James says God does not tempt us, the devil is the tempter. The English translation has always bothered me.

  • LEAVE IT ALONE!! If it’s not broke don’t fix it!

  • He argues we should follow the translation in the Church of France? We only have to look at the Church’s state of affairs in France to know to follow their lead is to undermine the faith further. Sadly our Pope would make a better Protestant than a Catholic. Martin Luther in sheep’s clothing. Please pray with me that the the Holy Spirit find a way to show our current pontiff the errors of his ways.

    • Garth,

      Your attack on the Protestant faith(s) only show your ignorance of being swallowed up by the devil Catholic church itself. Keep praying brother and maybe the Holy Spirit will show you the True way to Jesus Christ and it IS NOT found in the Catholic faith!

    • 100%. I am praying. This is deceit at the highest level. The words of the Lord’s prayer are perfect. Those that do not understand them, do not understand God, nor Jesus Christ.

  • The pope has No authority to add to, modify, or change Holy Scripture!!! End of story…….

  • Doesn’t the book of revelation and the end paragraph speak against adding to or detracting from any word of the Bible??

  • Are you all completely insane? You see uncleanly! The Lord’s prayer are the divine words directly from God himself, from His son Jesus Christ. It is perfect. In no way, shape or form should the Lord’s prayer be changed. The Pope does not have the authority. There is only one that does and I will wait on Him. For anyone to consider changing this just shows how deceitful the devil is, particularly to God’s unwitting children. Why not change all prayer? Why pray? If I pray for a sick friend to get better, does it imply that God does not want to make him better? Why pray for anything? After all, that implies God doesn’t want us to have anything, or to get well, or to be happy, or to make it through anything at all! The Lord’s Prayer is perfect. It is divine. The Pope is a man, and a seemingly clueless one at that. If I pray that God not lead me into temptation, but deliver me from evil, I am asking God, that is sovereign, who can do with me what He wants as His will, to prevent me as He sees fit, from making bad decisions; decisions that go against His will for my life. This is how every Christian I know understands this. But that does not mean God will not allow us to be brought into temptation!!! He will!!! As he sees fit for our own good! God ALLOWED temptation to many in the Bible, INCLUDING HIS OWN SON. There is a reason for this prayer. There is plenty of scripture discussing God testing us in this life! Are you all completely crazy? All it takes are small changes and cracks in a religion to bring it down! Look at Islam. There are many virtuous scriptures, but just enough official scriptures that open the door to evil, and make it legitimate. Changing the Lord’s prayer in this way would change all credibility of God to those who pray to Him. It would put all blame on God himself if you pray and you do not get the answer you want; i.e. He LET ME BE TEMPTED so its His fault….so ONCE AGAIN evil is trying to create something to decrease Christians’ faith in God and create a divide. THIS IS EVIL AT WORK! We are so arrogant its infuriating! There is NO WAY any man should go anywhere near this prayer.

  • Our Faithful have Tradition of Divine Revelation. This Biblical truth has been prayed for past generations. All the Saints prayed these biblical words & Our Blessed Mother prays these words of her son Jesus with us today with us today in each Rosary we say! Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima (since 1917) & Our Lady of Medjugorje prays with us these words that Jesus gave us in the Our Father, The Lords Prayer. We find in the Bible & writings of Saints who through tradition passed on these words. The Navarre Bible & the Catechism explains these words And lead us not into Temptation! Temptation, Jesus himself was lead by the Holy Spirit to face in the desert. What also is Pope Francis after to change The Mass? Pray, Pray Pray for his intentions to be Holy. For Pope Francis to unite faiths in Holiness of our Catholic Mother Church & not just uniting in fellowship with those outside the faith.

  • I think every Catholic needs to bring this up to their priest at church it is time for us to challenge the pope for he is trying to deceive us he is not a true pope….. This is everywhere on Facebook on the news he’s making a mockery of our Catholic faith by trying to create a new age religion the one new world order religion…. Can you not see it he’s trying to use the framework of the French does that not bring to mind the French Revolution … Which brought us the enlightenment… that everything was challenged where more and more people wanted to change society replacing science for God ..the arts instead of God… Where the elites of their day would band together trying to create society the way they wanted to be…. Pope Francis is a true socialist and is using climate change to try to create a tax for the collapsing Europe, and creating chaos through migration… For the United Nations and NATO to control the world…. He is trying to introduce one religion a new religion and it’s not our religion….

  • Suggest “Please protect us from temptation” rather than “lead us not into temptation”

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