A Beautiful video – Song of Bernadette / O Sanctissima…Plus a most beautiful prayer for healing and liberation that will move your soul.

O Sanctissima sung by The Daughters of Saint Paul with video from the 1943 film The Song of Bernadette. Lyrics/translation below…

Recite this most beautiful prayer that a mother can offer before sleeping for the good of her children

My God, I offer you my children. You gave them to me, and they will belong to you forever; I educate them for You and I ask you to keep them for your glory. Lord, that egoism, ambition and wickedness do not make them deviate from the good path.

May they have the strength to act against evil 
and that the motivation of all their actions 
it is always and only the good.

In this world there is so much wickedness, Lord! 
You know how weak we are 
and how evil often fascinate us; 
but you are with us 
and I put my children under your protection