May 19, 2019 Medjugorje: Visionary Mirjana Reveals the most important thing…”Our Lady is preparing us for something great. In the end it will be understood”.
The most important thing that Our Lady said? : Love, to love … God will ask us one single question:” how much did you love? “. If you have love for Jesus, for brothers and sisters, you can not kill, steal, hurt, betray, because you love that person.This is why for me, the most important message is to love, to love as Jesus loves us … We must pray to God every day, to be able to love as He loves us al… And not only love those who are good wit
“I want to say that God alone keeps secrets.” To better understand what she meant by this sentence, Mirjana told us that the last doctors who examined them at a supernatural institute in Innsbruck in Austria subjected also to hypnosis and to the machine of truth, but they have not succeeded in making them say anything in particular.
She also confirmed that the seventh secret was mitigated by their prayers and a lady who found herself a sign on the arm in the shape of “M”, Mirjana told her: “If you see or hear something, this is for you! With your prayer you must understand why, what God wants from you. “She then added, following further requests for clarification on the secrets, that 80 percent of what you hear around is false. He then advised us not to buy books on this subject, because they are written by people who stay a week in Medjugorje without even addressing the visionaries. We rather buy prayer books. Then I asked her about the tears and smiles she suddenly had during the apparitions: (I never see the videos : they would remind me of the moments of pain) … You know, the apparitions of the 2nd of the month are for those who have not yet known love of God … As a Mother, she has a great sorrow for her children ».

Do you cry too?
Do you cry too? “I saw her tears in her eyes many times … She wants her children on the right path and as a mother she suffers when she sees our hard hearts … To talk about the suffering of Our Lady I have problems. Even now I immediately feel tears »and with her, we all felt moved to hear her describe those moments« I have seen so many women suffer … but the pain of our Mother is seen on her face. Every muscle trembles from pain … this is very difficult for me to see (to endure) … and when I turn around after the apparition, to see that they have not yet understood (the people present)
They think of other things but not what is important: without a leg or a hand, you can go to heaven, but without a soul you can not. When we understand this, it will be very different. “She also wanted to emphasize that there are certain people who misunderstand the messages, interpret them to their liking. For example, it has been said that this is the last time of Our Lady on Earth: It is not true! Our Lady said this is the last time I’m on Earth like this! With so many visionaries, so long … And why do apparitions last so many years? «Our Lady is preparing us and in the end we will understand .. If someone wants to find something that is not good in Medjugorje, they will find it immediately! But if your heart is only looking for this, then it would be better to stay home.
If you have a heart open with prayer and want to know Jesus more, you will know him and understand. “Like that lady with so many problems in the family, that her group has forgotten her, and she has been here three hours in waiting and complaining about the group. I told her: “sorry, madam, if I allow myself, but with all the problems you have, stay here wasting time: go to the blue cross, get on your knees and pray to Our Lady, do not wait for God to throw you something” …
Some do not understand. They think they have to tell me! Who am I? I am like everyone else. I too have my crosses, my problems. Our Lady never told me “do not worry”. I too must pray for everything like you. The important thing is to turn to God. We are all the same here on Earth. No one is heard more than another … Open your heart, let the Madonna enter. Do not waste time on things that are not important. Open your heart only for prayer »
The most important thing that Our Lady said? : Love, to love … God will ask us one single question:” how much did you love? “. If you have love for Jesus, for brothers and sisters, you can not kill, steal, hurt, betray, because you love that person.This is why for me, the most important message is to love, to love as Jesus loves us … We must pray to God every day, to be able to love as He loves us all … And not only love those who are good with us, but also those who I’m not: it’s much more important.
How canI find out the message of Our Lady to Mirjana on March 18,2019?