The Man who Disappeared on Apparition Hill – Pulls out Rosary an instant BEFORE the Queen of Peace arrives. Holy Figure remains a mystery
Mystic Post tries to be careful on matters of videos and photography, after all, the Messages are the real miracle of Medjugorje. However, we have been intrigued by the video of Mirjana’s most recent apparition that features a mysterious figure that looks a lot like Saint John Paul the Great. Today we examined other videos of Mirjana’s apparition on August 2, 2019 looking to see if we could find the mysterious man with the Rosary and we could not find him in other videos. At 58 seconds into the first video you will see the figure pull out his rosary an instant BEFORE Our Lady appears.

Amen hallelujah to our lord Jesus Christ thank you virgin Mary our Mother for being with us so close in all times we love you
To me as I looked quickly and saw him, I thought he looks like Saint John Paul the second from his white clothes and the top of his head !!! He always wanted to go to Medjugorie and now ???? Just my thought !!! God Bless !!
He looks incredibly like Saint Pope John Paul the Great. Would it not be possible to put a call-out on social media to anyone who was there on that day, asking if anyone saw this man in the crowd? There would surely be hundreds of witnesses who could testify if a man of this description was actually there or not?
Thank you Virgen Maria for manifesting the glory of our dear Lord Jesuscrist. You that gives us faith in the name of God, continue showing us the path to eternal life.
Tu que reinas por los siglos y los siglos por nuestro Jesus Amen