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Vicka Ivankovic was born on 3/9/1964 in Bijacovici, married since 2002 she has two children and lives in Krehin Gradac near Medjugorje. She was 17 years old on the date of the first appearances; very outgoing girl, patient with the pilgrims and always smiling. She constantly strives to spread the messages of the Virgin Mary and her intention is to pray for the sick.
In March 1984, not even three years had passed since the pious apparitions, Father Jancko of the parish of St. James in Medjugorje, recorded a long interview with Vicka, to leave it as a testimony to posterity. At the end of the same, Father Janko asked Vicka to give advice, or as the priest said a “Message to the man of today”.This was the response of the seer.
Janko: Vicka, we two really talked a lot; in fact, I said that we are already there
tired. But I would like only one more thing, to get it right over. That is to finish this “official” interview
Vicka: All right. Let’s see what interests you again.
Janko: In order not to dwell on me, tell me: after all this we have said, what message would you give it to the people of today?
Vicka: But who am I and what do I account for giving a message? God and Our Lady have given a clear and sonorous message;people must listen to this and things will be fine.

Janko: What you say, Vicka, is correct. But you could also say something because even one of your word could shake someone, push him to collect a little and start to reflect. I think it’s really interesting to know what that “girl” wants to say after more than thirty months of meetings with her.
Vicka: Perhaps this:people must never forget that God is our Father and that he is Madonna is our Mother. Indeed, it is the Mother who understands us better and loves us more. The people do not know how much she loves us!
Janko: All right: it’s the Mother who loves us. What are you still telling us?
Vicka: I would like to recommend men to contact the Madonna whenever they are in difficulty; she will always help them, whenever they invoke her.
Janko: How and in what will help them?
Vicka: In all that people will pray for.
Janko: That’s fine, but what would you say to the people of today?
Vicka: I would like men to never lose hope. God and Our Lady will never forget men!
Janko: Great, Vicka. Go on; say something else.
Vicka: I do not know what to say! I’m not called to this. There are those who call men why return to God and do not go to perdition!
Janko: This is true. But I, and I believe others, we want to hear something more from you.
Vicka: It would be good if people never forgot to pray. They have it
taught, but also Our Lady has repeated it many times: that prayer is our strongest weapon. With prayer we can do everything. This is something that I say together with Madonna: that men do not forget it.
Janko: Can you tell us something else?
Vicka: Men know that it is also good to fast. The devil is afraid of fasting in one
very special way. I learned that sacrificing something for the love of God is a very good act. Let men try and see it!
Janko: Go on, Vicka, please.

Vicka: But I have to say that I did not invent this. These are all things that I too have learned: some from Our Lady, others from men.
Janko: Go ahead. We have all learned from someone.
Vicka: I would like to insist on this again, that men must never despair. God and the Madonna are always ready to help them!
Janko: magnificent, Vicka. But I see that you have not yet concluded.
Vicka: It’s true. I would also like to say this: that men should never judge others
men. Men judge unjustly.
Janko: Do you say that for your personal experience?
Vicka: It does not matter, although I have to say that I’ve seen so many times. And she manages a lot heavy to bear, when they judge you unjustly.
Janko: What remedy do you suggest?
Vicka: I think it would be very useful that men never forget that one day
we will all be judged by God. There is a terrible difference between heaven and hell.I have it view. May God save us from hell!
Janko: And what about your last thought?
Vicka: As a last thought I would recommend why someone, sometimes, pray for
myself; indeed, for me and for all the visionaries of the Madonna. We also pray for others, but we too have our sufferings.
Janko: Vicka, all this is really beautiful! Now it is much clearer to me that the Spirit Santo can speak for anyone’s mouth.
Vicka: May God bless us and Our Lady protect us.
Janko: So be it. Amen! To confirm the authenticity of all the dialogue reported in these pages, we witness it in conscience and we sign our signatures.
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