Sister Emmanuel is a French nun who has been a close observer of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje since they began in 1981. She has written extensively about Medjugorje and the messages that the Virgin Mary has given to the visionaries.

In a recent interview, Sister Emmanuel spoke about the illumination of conscience and how it is related to Medjugorje. She said that the illumination of conscience is a gift from God that allows us to see our sins and our need for conversion. It is a powerful grace that can help us to change our lives for the better.

Sister Emmanuel said that the Virgin Mary is calling people to conversion through the apparitions in Medjugorje. She is asking people to open their hearts to God and to allow Him to transform them. The illumination of conscience is one of the ways that the Virgin Mary is helping people to do this.

Sister Emmanuel said that the illumination of conscience is not always easy. It can be a painful experience to see our sins and to realize how much we have hurt God. But it is also a necessary experience if we want to grow in holiness.

Sister Emmanuel said that if we are open to the grace of the illumination of conscience, it can lead to a profound transformation in our lives. We can become more loving, more compassionate, and more forgiving. We can also become more committed to living a life of holiness.

Here is a quote from Sister Emmanuel about the illumination of conscience and Medjugorje:

“The illumination of conscience is a gift from God that can help us to change our lives for the better. It is a powerful grace that is available to everyone who is open to it. The Virgin Mary is calling people to conversion through the apparitions in Medjugorje. She is asking people to open their hearts to God and to allow Him to transform them. The illumination of conscience is one of the ways that the Virgin Mary is helping people to do this.”

Sister Emmanuel’s words are a reminder that the apparitions in Medjugorje are a call to conversion. If we are open to the grace of the illumination of conscience, it can lead to a profound transformation in our lives. We can become more loving, more compassionate, and more forgiving. We can also become more committed to living a life of holiness.