Visionary- “Medjugorje is an instrument of God.” Talks about end-times. “What does Our Lady want from us?”

May 25, Message for the world from the Queen of Peace:
“Dear children! God permitted me, out of His mercy, to be with you, to instruct and lead you towards the way of conversion. Little children, you are all called to pray with all your heart for the plan of salvation to be realized for you and through you. Be aware, little children, that life is short and eternal life waits for you according to your merit. Therefore, pray, pray, pray to be worthy instruments in God’s hands. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Kodo: I actually went to one of the apparition sessions, the last one made to the public by Ivan, I believe. I was even lucky enough to get a seat in front of the actual pews. Now I believe in God, I believe in Medjugorje in the sense that it bring Christians together and is overall a great place to be. But when I was sitting in that session, you can easily tell how full of it, this guy is. It is so unbelievably fake, you can see that he has planne
anne arnold12 years agoivan knows he is ridiculed,and people dont belive him, but he is genuine, jesus had all this when he was on earth, i witness wonderful things in medjugorje which im grateful for, ivan was there when i witnessed and image of jesus christ appeared near the moon,others saw it too, i was wonderful