Medjugorje: “These apparitions of Our Lady are a crossroads for humanity, a new call, a new way, a new future for humanity.” The signs will be “when physical changes begin to take place in the world.” October 24, 2019
The visionary Ivan responds with the words of the Gospa: “When the physical changes take place in the world you will understand”

During the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the apparitions of Medjugorje, the visionary Ivan takes stock of the situation and explains that we will have to be ready for the physical changes in the world.

The speech of Ivan Dragicevic for the 30th anniversary of the apparitions is clearly focused on the message that Our Lady has shared with the world through the visionaries and wonders if in these 30 years something has really changed in the perception of the message from the world and if this change is enough to prepare us for the period of change announced by the Queen of Peace: “These apparitions of Our Lady are a crossroads for humanity, a new call, a new way, a new future for humanity. But how much are we aware of the messages? Are they coming to our heart? Do we live with them? “.
Ivan: “Our Lady continues to send messages to enable us to absorb them”

Responding to the curiosity of those present who are mainly linked to the exceptional duration of the apparitions and messages, Ivan explains that the frequency of these messages has been thinned out in time because initially there was the need to make the world absorb what the Madonna had from to communicate: “For some years we received the message every Thursday and then once a month. Why? Our Lady was giving us more time to understand each message “, then on the reason of the daily appearances to him and to the other visionaries:” When the physical changes will occur in the world you will understand why it came every day “.

The last sentence of Ivan seems to be linked to the 10 secrets given to the visionaries and to that visible sign mentioned in the past, but Ivan shifts his attention from the secrets, explaining that he refers to something else. Returning to the meaning of the messages of Our Lady, the visionary explains that it is essentially a call to the individual faithful and families to take responsibility for living a life according to the message transmitted in the Gospels, or what the Church and Christ before it had already said , but that today is no longer heard: “We know it from the Church, but we do not live it. Our Lady invites us to be responsible “.
Please pray for me the devil has been on my back for over fifty years,and I just lost my job and the curse they have on me and all that I have walked on me enimes have put on me and took my car that I was in and April of this year,They want me dead.Please help or tell want to do???
we will pray
I need help!!!
can I send you a rosary
A termination of a baby. Please pray for the mother, I ask for forgiveness for the mother, who is a beautiful person. For reasons beyond her control. Again I ask forgiveness for her. And blessings for my husband and two boys.
At Holy Mass especially at the consecration ask Jesus to help you remember what Mary the mother of God said at the wedding feast do as he(Jesus) tells you
Dear Mother,
Praying that people realize how much damage they keep doing to each other. We need your blessings, it’s so sad watching the news. Please blessed my family and Puerto Rico. I love you with all my heart.
Helow Deb, I feel your pain. I know what it’s like to be harassed by demons. They will fill your heart with terror. Speaking of terror, do you know that St. Joseph is the terror of demons? He truly is. Here: check it out– PRAY THE ROSARY.
Know this, and believe it, because it’s true. Demons always harass us when there’s a major sin that we have not repented of. Allow me to cut to the chase. Go on a fast, a fast from any sexual lust that you may have. Sexual lust is the main gate through which all demons finds their way into a person’s heart. Shun that evil in yourself as a sin against God, and do so as often as you can. But don’t drive yourself crazy in the process. Relax. God is kind. He wants you to win. He will help you. All you have to do is ask–PRAY THE ROSARY!
Medjugorje was investigated by the bishop of the diocese. That is according to Church law. He found the apparitions were NOT supernatural (from God). Therefore, it is not Our Lady.
Please pray for the Church: it truly is a time of crisis. Our Lady of Fatima gave instructions regarding the future. Please read them.
She asked that we pray the Rosary every day, and wear the Brown Scapular.
The Rosary is the answer to EVERYTHING. To Jesus, through Mary. Ave Maria.
Say the rosary every day, pray for the souls in purgatory and your families and friends, I do this every day and I feel great after I’ve said them. Get holy water from the church,sprinkle it everywhere in all the rooms in your home, and make the sign of the cross with it , I sleep better and feel happier.. bless you all. Xxx
To Debra Skipper
Where do you live, in the UK?
Find a healing convention like the Awake conventions held in London and Croydon and Birmingham regularly. Go to one of these regularly, the best one being in Birmingham, and attend as many healing sessions there from the priests as well as the lay healers. Is this ok to start with? I await your response. Eddie
“Pope Francis has decided to authorize pilgrimages to Medjugorje…”
“Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world!” Pope St. John Paul II – February 24, 1990
The devil preys on disobedience and disbelief. He doesn’t want you to believe that it is our Holy Mother that is leading the visionaries of Medjugorje to put the Ten Commandments at the center of their lives.
Without the Ten Commandments there is no Christianity. Pray the Rosary.
Please pray for my family for conversion and reconciliation…I’ve been praying and fasting for yrs…What am I doing wrong…Broken hearted!!!?