Medjugorje: Suffering, fatigue, and fear: Our Lady tells us how to “heal” from these “diseases” …’Satan so often takes advantage of a person who feels unworthy, who feels depressed, who is ashamed of God’
Medjugorje is not only a place where the presence of Mary and Jesus are lived in every corner, but it is also a place of waiting, listening and resting.
How can we overcome the evil of this millennium that causes so many of us, fatigue, suffering and fear ? Our Lady has been suggesting us the cure for several years , but perhaps we have not been careful enough to understand it!
“One day Our Lady told us a beautiful thing. Satan so often takes advantage of a person who feels unworthy , who feels depressed, who is ashamed of God : this is precisely the moment in which Satan takes advantage to distract us from God. Our Lady told us to have this fixed idea: God is your Father and it doesn’t matter how you are. Do not leave Satan a moment of weakness, not enough for him to let you meet the Lord. Never leave God because Satan is too strong. For example: if you have committed a sin, if you have quarreled with someone, do not remain alone, but immediately call God, ask him to forgive you and go forward. After a sin we start thinking and doubting that God can forgive me …

Not so … We always measure God from our guilt. We say: if sin is small God forgives me immediately, if sin is serious He needs time …
You need two minutes to recognize that you have sinned; but the Lord does not need time to forgive , the Lord immediately forgives and you must be ready to ask and accept His forgiveness and do not let Satan take advantage of these moments of heeling, of desert. Call it what you are, go ahead right away; before God you must not present yourselves beautiful and prepared; no, but go to God as you are so that God can immediately return to your life even in times when you are more sinners.
Just when it seems to you that the Lord has left you is the time to return , presenting yourself as you are. “
Here is what our heavenly mother told us about fatigue:
… Pray, and so you can overcome all fatigue . … (05/30/1985)
… when you pray with perseverance and come to mass despite your tiredness, he gives you everything you ask him . … (01.12.1893)
I see that you are all tired . I want to take you all in my arms so you can stay with me. (10/28/83)
Dear children, an invitation in preparation for the anniversary (of the apparitions) : you, parishioners, pray more, and your prayer is a sign of your abandonment to God. Dear children, I know that you are all tired: no, you cannot abandon yourselves to me ! In these days completely surrender to me. Thank you for having responded to my call! (June 13, 1985)
( Message given to the prayer group )
I know you’re tired, but I can’t tell you to rest . Pray again and do not go to bed without praying at least a quarter of an hour for the group . You will see that the next day will be a better day . (January 22, 1986)
Dear children, also today I call you to prayer. Little children, prayer works miracles. When you are tired and sick and you don’t know the meaning of your life , take the rosary and pray; pray until prayer becomes a joyful encounter with your Savior. I am with you and I intercede and pray for you , children. Thank you for having responded to my call (April 25, 2001)

Dear children, today the Lord has allowed me to tell you again that you live in a time of grace . You are not conscious, children, that God gives you a great opportunity to be converted and live in peace and love. You are so blind and bound to the things of the earth and think of earthly life. God sent me to guide you to eternal life. I , children, am not tired, even if I see your hearts weighed down and tired of all that is grace and gift. Thank you for having responded to my call. (October 25, 2006)
It therefore seems that Maria’s care for our tiredness is not a holiday as we understand it, practically doing nothing, but rather, working on ourselves with greater enthusiasm to transform our prayer into a song of praise to the Lord. And this because in reality our tiredness derives from the attachment to the things of this earth, we are weighed down by everything that surrounds us and we mistakenly free ourselves from the only thing that can really lighten our spirit … and that is, the prayer made with the heart.
(2 Extraordinary messages)
You ask me about that woman who would like to leave her husband because she makes her suffer . I say: stay with him and accept suffering . Jesus also suffered. (29 August 1981)
My Heart burns with love for you. The only word I wish to say to the world is this: conversion, conversion! Let all my children know. I only ask for conversion. No pain, no suffering is too much for me to save you. I only ask you to convert! I will pray my son Jesus not to punish the world, but I beg you: repent! You cannot imagine what will happen, nor what God the Father will send to the world. For this I repeat to you: convert yourselves! Give up everything! Do penance! Here, here is everything I want to tell you: be converted ! Bring my thanks to all my children who prayed and fasted. I present everything to my divine son to get him to mitigate his justice towards sinful humanity. (April 25, 1983)
(Messages given to the prayer group)
I am your mother. I continually open my hands towards you . I love you. I especially love my children who are in sickness, suffering and sin . I am everybody’s mother. (September 7, 1983)
Always pray!
Not only when you are in suffering , but also in joy.
You must live by prayer ! (December 4, 1983)
If you knew how much I love for the group! So many times, after having committed a sin , you have warned that your conscience was upset, but nevertheless, you did not want to humiliate yourself. Dear children, my love burns everything! Many of you, however, do not accept it and this makes me suffer so much! I burn with love and suffer for each of you more than a mother could suffer when she loses a child. And this suffering will not end until the group changes . I don’t want to lose you because I love you like no one else can love you. And always out of love for you of you I give you this message: as a bad man does not want to humiliate himself, so you and I must not be proud . (November 20, 1984)
When you have distractions and difficulties in the spiritual life, know that each of you in life must have a spiritual thorn whose suffering will accompany him to God . (November 30, 1984)
Sorry if I interrupt your rosary , but you can’t start praying like that. At the beginning of the prayer you must always throw away your sins. Your heart must progress by expressing sins through spontaneous prayer. Then make a song . Only then can you pray the rosary with your heart.
If you do so, this rosary will not bore you because it will seem like it lasts only a minute. Now, if you want to avoid being distracted in prayer, free your heart from everything that weighs on you , everything that uses concern or suffering : through these thoughts, in fact, Satan tries to divert you so as not to make you pray. When you pray, leave everything, leave all the worries and remorse of sins .
If you let these thoughts take you, you will not be able to pray. Shoot them off, put them out before you pray. And during prayer do not let them come back to you and there is an impediment or disturbance to inner recollection. Remove from your heart even the smallest reasons of trouble, because your spirit can get lost even for a very small thing. In fact, a very small thing joins another very small thing and these two together form something greater that can ruin your prayer. Be careful, and let nothing spoil your prayer and consequently your soul. I, as your mother, want to help you. Nothing more. (March 4, 1985)
(Extraordinary message)
Dear children! I am happy for all your prayers, but I want you to open your hearts more and more each day and offer yourselves with joy, to me and to Jesus, all your joy and all your suffering. I invite you, dear children, to renew my messages from the heart and to begin to really live them. Pray for the realization of my plan. At this moment your prayers are particularly necessary to me: for this reason, all of you gathered here ask that you increase your prayers and, especially, that you take the rosary in your hands. Dear children, prayer is necessary! (April 20, 1989)
Dear children, also today I call you to prayer. Only with prayer and fasting can war be stopped; therefore, my dear children, pray and witness with your life that you are mine, that you belong to me, because in these troubled days Satan wants to seduce as many souls as possible.
Therefore I invite you to decide for God and He will protect you and show you what you must do and by which way to go. I invite all those who have said yes to me to renew the consecration to my son Jesus, to his heart and to me, so that we can take you even more ardently as instruments of peace in this world without peace. For all of you, Medjugorje is an invitation to pray and also to live days of grace that God gives you; therefore, dear children, accept the invitation to prayer with seriousness. I am with you and your suffering is mine . Thank you for having responded to my call! (April 25, 1992)
( Extraordinary message given to Mirjana )
Dear children! As a mother, I have been teaching you the faith and love of God for many years. You did not show gratitude to the dear Father nor did you give him glory. You have become empty and your heart has become hard and without love for your neighbor who lives in suffering . I teach you love and I show you how much the dear Father has loved you, but you do not love him. He offered his only-begotten Son as a sacrifice for your salvation, my children. If you do not love, you will not recognize the love your Father has for you. You will not know God because God is love. […] (18 March 1995)
From these messages we can understand how suffering is a gift that must be accepted, as it will serve as a ladder to reach paradise. And the only way we have to avoid falling into despair, which seems to be the favorite trap of the evil one. It is abandoning ourselves in the arms of Mary, always through prayer , through which we will draw the strength to overcome depressions and discouragement. By praying we will discover that we are loved by God, more than any other human being in the world could do.
[…] Love and do not be afraid, my children, because in love there is no fear. If your hearts are open to the Father and if they are full of love for him, why be afraid of what will happen? Those who do not love are afraid because they await the punishment knowing how empty and hard they are. My children, I invite you to love towards the dear Father. I guide you towards eternal life. Eternal life is my Son: accept it and you will have accepted love! (March 18, 1995)
(2 Extraordinary messages)
[…] Believe firmly and do not be afraid! (June 29, 1981)
My angels, do not be afraid of anything because I am close to you and I protect you . Whatever problem you have, call me and I will come to you immediately and help you solve the problems in the best possible way. (March 4, 1982)
(2 Messages given to the prayer group)
Here are the fundamental commitments required of those who intend to be part of the prayer group. Renounce all passions and disordered desires; avoid television, especially futile transmissions; avoid the excessive enjoyment of food and drink, especially alcohol. Abandon yourselves totally to God putting aside all fear ; there is no place for fear in those who abandon themselves to God ; the difficulties that will nevertheless meet will serve for spiritual growth and for the greater glory of God . Begin to love your adversaries; do not nourish resentment and bitterness, but give only blessing, smile and serenity; therefore pray at least five minutes a day for the Heart of Jesus and my Heart: thus you will receive the divine love with which you can love your enemies. Fast twice a week. Gather as a group at least once a week. Consecrate each day to prayer at least three hours, of which at least half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the evening; participate every day in the holy mass receiving holy communion; during the day look for moments of silence in the silence; pray fervently without constantly looking at your watch; do not worry much about material things but entrust everything to the Father;when you are too worried you cannot pray because you lack inner serenity ; God will conduct your earthly things successfully if you strive to open yourselves to his ; extend the spirit of prayer to daily work, that is, accompany work with prayer; those who cannot pray three hours a day because they go to school or work, pray at least half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the evening and, if possible, participate in the Eucharist. Be prudent because Satan tries in a special way all those who have decided to abandon themselves to God; will try to convince you that you pray and fast too much , that it is better to be like the other young people who seek the pleasures of this world; you absolutely must not listen to it but pay attention only to my voice; then when your faith is consolidated, Satan will no longer be able to seduce you. Pray much for the Pope, your bishop and other Church leaders: no less than half of your sacrifices and prayers must be devoted to this intention. (June 24, 1983)