The unexpected result of the Novena “This was never before seen”

Source Fr. Livio’s Blog

The Queen of Peace said that with prayers and sacrifices one can suspend the laws of nature and stop wars, no matter how violent they are. With the Novena in preparation for the anniversary of the apparitions, Our Lady has created a force of intercession never seen before. Other Novenas have been requested in Medjugorje before, but this one was certainly more solemn also because it ended with the final apparition, on top of Podbrdo. It was like an official call in which we were all involved, this means that the danger is really close.

Undoubtedly it is possible that Satan will be able to prevail if we do not oppose and Our Lady has called us precisely to counteract Satan’s plan with prayer. It was a tiring Novena for those who were in Medjugorje, but also for those who practiced it remotely, because it ended late in the evening, it lasted nine days and took place in the middle of the working period, people get up early in the morning. This Novena was a sacrifice for many.

Our Lady warned against Satan’s attack on peace and the family, which is about to be crumbled by the new culture of man in place of God. It is a very serious emergency. Without peace and family the world is heading towards self-destruction. They are unhealthy projects that come from the devil and belong to people who have been perverted by the devil. Thank God the Madonna is there, she is here to fight and to win and to carry out her plan of salvation she has given us the spiritual weapons, that is, the Rosary and fasting.

In Our Lady’s intention this Novena had another purpose which was to reawaken the Medjugorjan world which in recent times had become lukewarm and had lost the fervor of its origins. There was a visible change that affected all the people of the Gospa and in particular Medjugorje. This Novena was like a blast of trumpets, a call to spiritual arms as it had done previously, on January 1, 2024 when many responded to the call on Podbrdo, despite the cold, the rain and the late hour. On that occasion Our Lady said: «Thank you because you responded to my call and prayed for my intentions. You will not repent, neither you nor your children nor your children’s children.”

In the message of February 25 of the same year, the Queen of Peace had denounced the presence of the weeds that had taken possession of many hearts that had become sterile: «Dear children! Pray and renew your heart so that the good you have sown bears fruit of joy and union with God. The weeds have taken many hearts and they have become sterile, therefore you, children, be light, love and my hands outstretched in this world who longs for God who is love. Thank you for answering my call.”

To understand what is happening in the world and what is in people’s hearts, you have to read the messages of Our Lady and understand them. Our Lady calls us to pray for peace and for the family precisely to show us what the devil is working in hearts. There is no doubt that the June Novena has triggered a notable awakening of prayer and faith. The people of Our Lady responded to the call both in Medjugorje and at a distance, many and with fervor, in fact, they participated in the Novena. The participation was not initially great, but it continued to increase until it reached its peak on the anniversary of the apparitions, when there were truly a lot of people.

In addition to the participation of locals and pilgrims, there was great and heartfelt participation everywhere in the world. We were able to ascertain this from our social channels and from the number of listeners on live radio. This Novena had a very wide resonance throughout the world. There has been an awakening that is fugitive but which is a silent expectation of events that will happen. The expectation of the ten Secrets is real and concerns a vast public opinion of the Church, not only priests but above all simple Christians. Among the humble and simple people there is a true diffusion of the messages of the Gospa, of the plan of the Queen of Peace, of information on the Secrets which is much wider than what we are led to think.

We can say that what has been said about Medjugorje and the Queen of Peace in all this time has left its mark, as have the testimonies of the visionaries themselves who until recently have met pilgrims recounting their experience; even on the microphones of Radio Maria the visionaries have told their stories several times. People have internalized all this and understand that we are close to the time of the Secrets, in fact they are very interested in hearing about it and also ask us to dedicate broadcasts precisely on this topic.

The time of the Secrets is near, the international situation says so. People have realized that we are truly on the edge of the abyss and that time is running out. The public does not take these things lightly, they are very serious about them and are asking important questions about the future. The feeling is in the air that we are on the eve of the unspeakable Armageddon.

In the time of the Secrets people will look at the prophecies made three days before about the events that will happen. Already now people turn their attention to the Queen of Peace and, as in the case of the Novena, she answers the call and begins to pray. Only Our Lady can save us, She is here as if sent by God to win against Satan and give humanity a time of peace. With this Novena Our Lady has awakened the world from spiritual torpor. Those who want war and world domination have ignored this Novena, as if it were a trivial practice, reserved for a gullible few. But we know that this is not the case.

Our Lady called us to pray precisely because the danger is imminent, it is close, the time is ripe. People have understood the significance of this call and have responded. Let us continue to pray, Our Lady told us that if we are hers we will win.