Moscow, KGB Feared Medjugorje.. Were Forcefully Behind Inventing Early Negative Narrative

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Article by Dnevno Translated by Google

“From Fatima to Medjugorje”, directed by Ami Drozda from Israel. The film was made in the production of “Nazareth Film”, an American-Israeli company.

The film can be viewed at a cost of $ 4.99 from the web at since yesterday (at the 100th anniversary of the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima).
Trailers are made very professionally and very provocative so that the desire to watch the movie is as early as possible. You can also see them on our site.

The movie we watched and the other shocked sighted! For the first time, the KGB documents show that the world’s great secret services were very much interested in what was happening in Medjugorje.

Namely, just two weeks after the children testified that their Lady appeared in Medjugorje, a high delegation from the KGB meeting with UDBA representatives sat in Belgrade! They are not interested in religion, they are interested in how Medjugorje can endanger the Communist order! And in Yugoslavia and in the world.

The documents testify to the many years of Medjugorje monitoring by the KGB and the UDBA. This may not be surprising, but what is shocking is (apart from the original documents from Moscow) the testimony of a highly ranked KGB agent, Lieutenant General Maksimov, who details how the UDB and Bishop Žanić collaborated.

As he, after being presented to him by compromising documents, agrees to cooperate with the Yugoslav secret service! And for many accusations of the Herzegovinian Franciscans in which he saw the enemies (some of these Franciscans ended up in prison too!). He, in the only two months of the greatest promoter of Medjugorje, after being “pressed” by the famous UDBA, Lasić Gorankić, turned to the greatest negation of the Medjugorje apparitions.

Also, it is very shocking to witness the Maximus when he talks about the meetings of KGB agents and bishop Perić who, according to him, did not want to contact with the Yugoslav secret service, but he had close contacts with the KGB. Maksimov describes him as an intelligent person who only looks at his interest but who hates the Franciscans patologically.

This film is something new in the treatment of Medjugorje. This story reveals something that has bumped and speculated, but nobody has ever come up with material evidence of the bishop’s cooperation with UDBA. About the KGB not to speak.
An ordinary viewer who only cares for peace in his mind will remain caught up with the information and claims that this film brings. Is it possible that the bishops and communist secret services have communicated in this way ?!
It will be interesting to hear what the Mostar Bishop Perić will say about the authors of the film about his contacts with the Soviet Secret Service, as well as the claims of hate the Franciscans for their influence on the Croat Croats.