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This prayer was inspired by Our Lady, to Jelena, and She said it was the most beautiful prayer that could be said for a sick person: The Virgin Mary never abandons us, as a loving mother invites us to pray and pray so much because graces and healings are possible, it is enough to trust and see God’s hand and plan also in sickness.
O my God, this sick one here before You, has come to ask You what He desires, and which He believes to be the most important thing for him. You, God, let these words enter his heart “It is important to be healthy in the soul! »Lord, let Your holy will be done in everything! If you want me to heal, give him health. But if Your will is different, let it continue to carry its cross. I also pray for you that we intercede for him; purify our hearts to make us worthy to give, through us, your holy mercy.After prayer, recite the Glory to the Father three times.
* Foreign guests also banned from West Bank hotels
* Measures in effect for two weeks
* Suspected coronavirus cases reported in Bethlehem (Adds background, comments by hotel manager, Latin Patriarchate)
By Mussa Qawasma
BETHLEHEM, West Bank, March 5 (Reuters) – The Church of the Nativity was ordered closed on Thursday and foreign tourists were banned from West Bank hotels after four suspected coronavirus cases were found in the Palestinian town of Bethlehem.
The measures announced by the Palestinian Authority’s tourism ministry came as a particular blow to the Biblical town, whose businesses are largely dependent on Christian visitors to the church, built on the traditional site of Jesus’s birth.
Just three months ago Bethlehem was hailing its best Christmas for two decades, the mayor and hoteliers said, even better than the 1.5 million visitors it received in 2018.
The Latin Patriarchate of the Holy Land said the Church of the Nativity, which was first founded in 339 and rebuilt and extended over the centuries, would be closed for two weeks, along with other churches and mosques in the Bethlehem area.

The ban on foreign guests at West Bank hotels will also last two weeks, the tourism ministry said.
“This affects us dramatically,” said Joey Canavati, manager of the 58-room Alexander Hotel in Bethlehem. “Our workers are essentially laid off for the next 14 days. We will be closed down completely. It destroyed our business from every perspective.”
Canavati said groups of tourists from the United States, Poland and Cameroon had already cancelled their bookings.
Palestinian health officials said they were examining whether four workers at another hotel in Bethlehem had contracted coronavirus from tourists who had stayed there recently.
Police surrounded the hotel, as authorities awaited the results of laboratory tests. There have been no confirmed cases of the disease in the West Bank. Fifteen people have been diagnosed with the virus in neighbouring Israel.
The Palestinian governor of the West Bank town of Nablus on Thursday ordered its Muslim and Christian holy sites shut as a public health precaution.
The Palestinian Authority exercises limited self-rule in the Israeli-occupied West Bank under interim peace accords.
On Wednesday, Israel ordered travellers arriving from Germany, France, Spain, Austria and Switzerland to go into home quarantine over coronavirus concerns and cancelled a military exercise with troops from the U.S. European Command.
The measure effectively cut off foreign tourism from those countries, whose citizens, the Health Ministry said, would not be allowed into Israel unless they could show they had made quarantine arrangements ahead of time.
Israel has already imposed the edict with regard to flights from Italy, China and Singapore. (Additional reporting by Ali Sawafta, Stephen Farrell and Rami Ayyub; Writing by Jeffrey Heller; Editing by Andrew Cawthorne and Alex Richardson)
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