“Dear children, The reason I am with you…”

August 2, 2014


Our Lady the Queen of Peace:

“Dear children, the reason why I am with you, My mission is to help you to win the good, even if this does not seem possible to you now. I know that you do not understand many things, as I also did not understand, all that My Son taught me while growing up next to Me. But I believed him and I followed him. I also ask you to believe me and follow me.

But My children, following me means loving My child above All, loving him in every person without distinction. In order to do all this, I invite you again to renounce, pray and fast. I invite you to make Life for Your Soul the Eucharist.

I invite you to be my apostles of the Light, those who in the world will spread Love and Mercy. My children, your life is only a beat compared to eternal life. When you are in front of My Son, He in your Hearts will see how much Love you have had. In order to be able to spread Love in the right way, I pray to My Son that through Love he will give you union through Him.

The Union between you and the Union between you and your Pastors. My Son always gives you again through them and renews your souls. Don’t forget this. Thank you”.


Video Above: “Those who touch heaven’