December 31, 2020 Ivan Warns in Special Address to Young Catholics – “We have entered a difficult times in church and in the world.” Reminds the world what Our Lady says: “I need you to help me make my plans come true.”
Letter from Ivan Dragicevic, Medjugorje Visionary, to the participants of the 31st Youth Festival in Medjugorje :
Dear Priests, dear friends in Christ, and especially young, so gentle and dear to my heart. I would like to welcome you from the heart, in a special way, during this most unusual time, as we pray and celebrate the love of Jesus and Mary.
The Lady says: ” he who prays should not be afraid of the future.”. All events are in God’s hands. Jesus invites you to trust him, and pray, to talk to him and share it in your hearts. We have entered a difficult times in church and in the world.
But let us remember that during this time we were born in God’s wisdom. The Lady continues to say, ” kids, I need you to help me make my plans come true.” This call is also for you. The Lady keeps you, young people, in a special way, as an angel of her eye.
She loves you with gentle love. It is very difficult to describe the love she has for you, when she looks at each and one of you – one by one. It’s an indescribable love, so beautiful, so gentle, so raised.
The lady needs you. She first needs to open your heart with prayer. Pray more from the heart. In one of her messages the Lady said: “… especially let the young people from this parish be more active in their prayers.” she also said to another occasion: “I want to tell the young people to be more open to the world, because God wants to attract you To yourself in these days when the satan is at work.” the lady keeps looking after you, constantly leads you, more than ever in this peaceful and peaceful weather.
The Queen of Peace asks everyone to return to God. “My dear young people, the world cannot offer the hope and peace that Christ gives. True peace comes only from Jesus. Jesus is your peace. Pray for this peace. Cruel times are born in the hearts of people who do not know God. This doesn’t have to be for you. Open your hearts and pray, pray, pray to know God better and that everyone can feel that love and peace of God according to your example.
Prayer in Christ brings peace to the heart.” Only when the soul finds peace in God will she be satisfied. Today my dear youth live this message of peace, this hope. Wear it to everyone in your families, friends, your world.
My dear young people, receive the Sacraments often, especially confession and the Eucharist. Sacraments are your restoration and strength.
My dear young people keep praying for The Crown. With The Crown, you will overcome all the troubles that satan is trying to put on you, and the world. Answer her calls to prayer of The Crown every day. The Crown will bring you peace.
My dear young people, take time to worship Jesus in the most holy text. Spend time in silence to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit in your lives.
My dear young people, live the messages of The Queen of Peace. Become a great student at the school of love.
Do not be afraid, “the one who prays does not have to fear the future”. Jesus said: Do not be afraid. Jesus sent His mother and told her to tell all children not to be afraid.
The Lady is comes here in a special way to invite young people of the world to pray for peace. She needs you. You are the future of the church; you are the future of the world. The world of peace is possible. It is possible through you. Let’s not wait for someone else to start – it’s going to be a waste of time. Start today, and follow the Lord’s call and live her messages better. God bless you.
United in prayer, dear young, through these days in front of Mary, our Mother “Queen of Peace”
God’s blessing,
One thought on “December 31, 2020 Ivan Warns in Special Address to Young Catholics – “We have entered a difficult times in church and in the world.” Reminds the world what Our Lady says: “I need you to help me make my plans come true.””
fiquei sabendo que nos Estados Unidos aprovaram a Lei que autoriza o aborto tardio … No Brasil as pessoas estão se afastando das Igrejas e das orações … Outros países impõem o socialismo ateu … Tenho medo …
fiquei sabendo que nos Estados Unidos aprovaram a Lei que autoriza o aborto tardio … No Brasil as pessoas estão se afastando das Igrejas e das orações … Outros países impõem o socialismo ateu … Tenho medo …