Follow Our Lady’s Peace Plan and Dry Her Tears!

On June 15, Our Lady, the Queen of Peace, appeared at Medjugorje and requested a Rosary Novena through June 25, for the intention of world peace.

Similarly, in 1917, Our Lady of Fatima appeared to three children and asked them to pray the Rosary daily for world peace and the end of World War I. She promised that God would grant peace to the world if people would obey her requests for prayer, sacrifice, reparation, and consecration. These requests are known as Our Lady of Fatima’s Peace Plan from Heaven.

In my personal interview with Medjugorje visionary Mirjana, she told me, “I want to say one thing that is very important. Blessed Mary said, ‘What I started at Fatima, I will finish in Medjugorje. My heart will triumph.’ ”

She continued, “If the heart of our Mother will triumph, we don’t need to be scared of anything. It’s only important to put our life in her hands and not to think about secrets. We should think about the message what she asked for us, so that we can help her Immaculate Heart to triumph.”

Mirjana also told Father Petar Ljubicic,” There never was an age such as this one, never before was God honored and respected less than now, never before have so few prayed to Him; everything seems to be more important than God. This is the reason why the Blessed Mother cries so much.”

In 1991, when world peace was threatened by Iraq, only 5 days before the United Nations deadline for Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait, Our Lady of Fatima told a mystic woman friend of mine, “Things in the world are appearing very black-and-white, either this or that! Tell them to pray for mercy!

After that, the mystic went to Mass in the Crypt Church of the Basilica Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC. The Pilgrim Virgin statue of Our Lady of Fatima was on display near the altar.

In his homily, the priest reminded the congregation that Our Lady of Fatima’s Peace Plan was just as relevant to them on that day in 1991, as it was in 1917. And her plan is even more relevant to us in 2024, with the greater threat of nuclear war.

After the homily, Our Lady of Fatima appeared to the mystic from behind the Fatima statue straight in front of the mystic with tears streaming down her cheeks, across and down her delicate nose.

The mystic wrote,

Tears ran over her lips and, down her chin. I could feel Our Lady’s heart breaking within me. Words could not escape her lips as she cried with untold grief. She looked at me… She looked at everyone in the Church, I could experience her looking at every single child of hers in this world! It is beyond my ability with words to tell you how the heart of this Mother was broken for her children!

With her eyes so red and visibly swollen underneath, the tears just continued to flow as from an underground well with no end to the depth. Only God knows the love that she has for us! If we could only realize this love! It is the love of God Himself that she gives us… for He is love!

I could hear her pleading with her Son during the consecration over and over again. She said, “My Son, look at these tears of mine, I offer you my tears and the tears of all my children who are so hurt. Look at my broken heart… is there any heart besides your Own that is so broken for mankind?

Then, still turned towards Jesus, I saw her stand very erect, like a mother in firm resolve, like a general before an army and she gave me this message to give to others. Our Lady said,

Keep trying, keep praying. There is no deed of love too small to give me to give to Jesus. I will give him everything! Fast, not just food… Fast from self, give me a smile to give to Jesus instead of being ill tempered. Tell Jesus, ‘Jesus, this is for the pure love of you!’ Pray for all souls in the world! Show mercy to one another! Forgive one another!  Encourage everyone you can to keep praying, whether it is the first time in their lives that they have prayed or they are veterans!

Tell my children, Please, please, please give love to one another, for then you will also be loving God.

Talk to God with your hearts, this is prayer to Him! Live the message God sent me to give you at Fatima, and invite others to do so also, but do it with love and mercy, for love is never rude!

As you know and see how I pray and intercede for you, imitate me, your heavenly Mother, that you, like me, pray and intercede for ALL souls. Yes, mediate souls and their welfare to God in union with my own Immaculate Heart. I bless you with my motherly blessing from God Himself, and I am always with you.

So, let us honor Our Lady’s requests by following her Peace Plan and Drying  Her Tears!

Please read my book, Medjugorje’s Ten Secrets: How to Prepare, based upon interviews by me and others with visionary Mirjana Soldo. Get ready for the secrets and learn about the urgency of the requests of Our Lady, Queen of Peace, and how to respond to them. Help her to bring the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart and the New Era of Peace. Mary told Mirjana, “Be Ready.” Father Petar, designated recipient of Mirjana’s First Secret, said, “Everything is closer and closer. Never in the whole world has the situation been so sad and so bad. … Never in history have there been so many sinners and unbelievers. We are feeling that something has to happen very quickly. It cannot continue like this much longer. God has to do something very quickly!”

Watch and Listen to This Short Video by Dan on Why You Need to Read His Book.

Dan Lynch is the Director of Dan Lynch Apostolates promoting devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Jesus King of All Nations, Our Lady of America and St. John Paul II. He is an author, public speaker and a former judge and lawyer in Vermont. He has appeared many times on radio and television and has spoken at conferences throughout the world. You may learn more about Dan HERE.
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