“Forty plus years… that’s a bit too long. I don’t think we can wait any longer.” (But this is why we wait)

From a reader of Father Livio’s blog:

Dear P. Livio,

These days we have celebrated 43 years of Our Lady’s apparitions in Medjugorje!

We are already three years into the proverbial wandering in the desert of the people of Israel waiting to enter the promised land… and we know how the story ended!

Those who remained faithful to God’s promise entered, and not the many who instead doubted and murmured in disbelief.

Beyond the numbers, dear Father, the years of waiting for the fulfillment of the promise of Our Lady to bring to completion the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart have become too many…

Humanly speaking, I sincerely do not believe that we can wait even more years and time plays against our resistance to persevere until the end… perhaps this is also why many have lost their way!

In any case we must have faith and “hope against all hope” I don’t know what else to add…

And meanwhile time passes and the temptation to occupy oneself with something else and to forget all the progress made up to now grows threateningly!

Mary Queen pray for us!


Dear Thomas,

The presence of Our Lady in Medjugorje is a public apparition, addressed to the entire world, which occurs wherever on earth the visionaries are.

Furthermore, it is accompanied by a simple but very effective evangelization, which over time has spread everywhere, so much so that we can say that an event of grace of this kind is unique in the two-thousand-year history of the Church.

If we add to all this the spiritual fruits, the general awakening of faith, the conversion of those who are far away, the strengthening of the priesthood, the return to the sacraments of the Eucharist and Confession, it would be desirable that this time will last a long time, despite our impatience.

In fact, Our Lady knows what trials await us and in this regard she said that we are not ready to face them. Therefore, let us take advantage of this time of grace that is granted to us and that Our Lady is using to shape her Apostles.

In any case, the visionaries know not only the events of the secrets, but also their dates. They know in particular when the revelation of the first secret of Medjugorje will take place. Our Lady has long established the dates precisely to avoid us being found with our lamps turned off.

We have no idea what will happen in the time of secrets when, as Maria Valtorta reveals, Satan will bring out from hell all the arsenal he has accumulated over the centuries.

In those moments, the faith and courage of Mary’s Apostles will be decisive for the final victory. They must grow in quantity and quality, in such a way as to resist the fury of the dragon released from his chains and thus be a point of reference for all those who wander fearfully and aimlessly.

So let our attitude be one of trust in Mary’s guidance, the certainty of her victory, the humble request for her help to make up for our weakness.

Ave Maria

Father Livio